Directory Last Updated: 01 January 2025
Return to Directory Private Consultants' Special Interests word selected:- TUBE
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
balloon dilatation of the eustachian tube
*Towns*Hearing loss, tinnitus, dizziness, skull base surgery, cochlear implantation, balance issues, sinusitis, eustachian tube dysfunction, paediatric ENT problems, hearing implantation, balloon dilatation of the eustachian tube
eustachian tube
*Towns*Head and neck surgery, tinnitus, Meniere's disease, eustachian tube
eustachian tube balloon dilatation
*Towns*Ear disorders, eustachian tube balloon dilatation, sinus surgery, balloon sinuplasty, snoring
eustachian tube disorders
*Towns*Otology, cochlear implants, paediatric ENT, rhinology, sinus surgery, restoration of hearing, eustachian tube disorders
eustachian tube disorders
*Towns*Otology, paediatric otology, dizziness, cholesteatoma, otosclerosis, tinnitus, eustachian tube disorders, Meniere's disease, facial rejuvenation, glue ear
eustachian tube dysfunction
*Towns*Cholesteatoma, adult and paediatric ear disease, vertigo and imbalance, tinnitus, eustachian tube dysfunction
eustachian tube dysfunction
*Towns*Otology, neuro-otology, paediatric ENT, middle ear surgery, tinnitus, eustachian tube dysfunction
eustachian tube dysfunction
*Towns*Rhinology, eustachian tube dysfunction
eustachian tube dysfunction
*Towns*Hearing loss, tinnitus, dizziness, skull base surgery, cochlear implantation, balance issues, sinusitis, eustachian tube dysfunction, paediatric ENT problems, hearing implantation, balloon dilatation of the eustachian tube
eustachian tube issues
*Towns*Voice disorders, snoring, sleep apnoea, paediatric otolaryngology, balance disorders, rhinology, neuro-otology, facial plastic surgery, blocked ears and noses, hearing loss, eustachian tube issues
feeding tube placement and nutrition
*Towns*IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, gastrointestinal immunity and infections and vaccine development, nutrition and irritable bowel syndrome - IBS, dyspepsia and reflux disease, feeding tube placement and nutrition, endoscopic ultrasound and laser therapy
glaucoma and tube surgery
*Towns*Cataract surgery, anterior segment surgery, retinal disease, vitreoretinal surgery, AMD - age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma and tube surgery, OCT angiography, YAG - Yttrium Aluminium Garnett laser treatment, laser treatments
glaucoma tube implant surgery
*Towns*Glaucoma, paediatric glaucoma, glaucoma tube implant surgery, small incision cataract surgery
Glaucoma/glaucoma laser and surgery - trabeculectomy and tube
*Towns*Glaucoma/glaucoma laser and surgery - trabeculectomy and tube, general ophthalmology, external eye diseases, eye emergencies
insertion of peg tube
*Towns*Endoscopy, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, hepatology, flexible sigmoidoscopy, gastroscopy, colonoscopy, insertion of peg tube
patulous eustachian tube
*Towns*Otology, middle ear surgery, paediatric otology, chronic ear disease, Meniere's disease, patulous eustachian tube
tube surgery
*Towns*Small incision cataract surgery - phacoemulsification, glaucoma including augmented trabeculectomy, tube surgery, all types of lasers for glaucoma

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