Directory Last Updated: 01 January 2025
Return to Directory Private Consultants' Special Interests word selected:- TROPICAL
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
HIV and tropical medicine
*Towns*Acute medicine, focused ultrasound, VTE - venous thromboembolism, HIV and tropical medicine, clinical governance
Infectious and tropical diseases
*Towns*Infectious and tropical diseases, ambulatory emergency care, outpatient parenteral antibiotic treatment
tropical and infectious dermatology
*Towns*Vulval dermatology, fungal infections, contact dermatology, dermatological cancer, global health dermatology, tropical and infectious dermatology
tropical and infectious dermatology
*Towns*Patch testing, dermatitis, tropical and infectious dermatology, skin cancer
Tropical and travel medicine
*Towns*Tropical and travel medicine, Q fever, Leishmaniasis
Tropical and travel medicine
*Towns*Tropical and travel medicine
tropical dermatology
*Towns*Skin cancer, dermatological surgery, tropical dermatology, genital dermatoses, Mohs' micrographic surgery, hidradenitis suppurativa
tropical diseases
*Towns*Contact dermatitis, patch testing, alopecia, allergy, nail disease, tropical diseases, laser therapy
Tropical diseases
*Towns*Tropical diseases, migrant health, epidemiology, immunology, HIV/AIDS
tropical diseases
*Towns*Interstitial lung disease, tropical diseases, asbestos related diseases, TB - tuberculosis, COPD
tropical diseases
*Towns*TIA - transient ischaemic attack, cardiovascular medicine, stroke, TB - tuberculosis, tropical diseases, travel related diseases, general medicine
tropical infections
*Towns*Infectious diseases, HIV, tropical infections, malaria, TB - tuberculosis
Tropical medicine
*Towns*Tropical medicine, HIV, TB - tuberculosis
tropical medicine
*Towns*Infectious diseases, HIV, tropical medicine, general medicine
tropical medicine
*Towns*General medicine and infections, tropical medicine, bloodborne viral infection, hepatitis B and C, HIV, TB - tuberculosis, meningitis, septicaemia, MRSA, clostridium difficile, COVID-19, clinical microbiology
tropical neurology
*Towns*Epilepsy, MS - multiple sclerosis, headache, head, neck and back injuries, dizziness, tropical neurology, migraine

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