Directory Last Updated: 01 January 2025
Return to Directory Private Consultants' Special Interests word selected:- MICROVASCULAR
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
complex microvascular reconstruction for head and neck
*Towns*Lymphoedema microsurgery, breast reconstruction, complex microvascular reconstruction for head and neck, breast and lower and upper limbs after cancer resections, abdominoplasty, perineal reconstruction, advanced skin cancer surgery and reconstruction - melanoma and nonmelanoma, sarcoma reconstruction
coronary microvascular disease
*Towns*Coronary artery disease, pacemakers, hypertension, syncope, palpitations, angioplasty, stenting, heart failure, valvular heart disease, cardiovascular risk screening, coronary microvascular disease, coronary artery spasm
microvascular angina
*Towns*Catheters, pacemakers, angiograms, risk factor modification, microvascular angina, EECP - enhanced external counterpulsation
microvascular angina and coronary artery spasm
*Towns*Coronary artery disease, ischaemic heart disease, angina, microvascular angina and coronary artery spasm, biomarkers of risk
microvascular breast reconstruction
*Towns*Aesthetic plastic surgery, microvascular breast reconstruction, general plastic surgery
microvascular free flap breast reconstruction
*Towns*Cosmetic and reconstructive breast surgery, facial cosmetic surgery and rhinoplasty, ultrasonic liposuction, abdominoplasty, body contouring, post massive weight loss surgery, microvascular free flap breast reconstruction, breast implant surgery and acellular dermal matrices
microvascular ischaemia
*Towns*Inherited cardiac conditions, womens cardiac health, coronary spasm, microvascular ischaemia, sports cardiology
microvascular reconstruction
*Towns*Breast reconstruction, breast corrective surgery, head, neck and facial reconstruction, microvascular reconstruction, upper and lower limb trauma, correctional surgery after massive weight loss
microvascular reconstruction
*Towns*Hand trauma, microvascular reconstruction, bone infection, lymphoedema
microvascular reconstructive surgery
*Towns*Impacted wisdom teeth, skin cancer surgery, orthognathic surgery, salivary gland surgery, facial and jaw deformity, microvascular reconstructive surgery, dental implants, TMJ - temporomandibular joint problems, facial trauma, jaw reconstruction
microvascular surgery
*Towns*Adult and paediatric plastic and reconstructive surgery, management and reconstruction of burns, trauma and skin cancers, microvascular surgery, aesthetic surgery
microvascular surgery
*Towns*Aesthetic surgery, skin cancer surgery, microvascular surgery
microvascular surgery
*Towns*Aesthetic and reconstructive breast surgery, microvascular surgery, lymphoedema - free vascularised lymph node transfer, lower limb trauma, body contouring, lipoedema
microvascular surgery
*Towns*Hand surgery, breast reconstruction, microvascular surgery
microvascular surgery
*Towns*Breast reconstruction, microvascular surgery, skin cancer
microvascular surgery
*Towns*Reconstructive surgery, microvascular surgery, cosmetic surgery
Microvascular surgery
*Towns*Microvascular surgery, breast reconstruction, head and neck reconstruction, gynaecological reconstruction, general plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery
Microvascular surgery
*Towns*Microvascular surgery, burn surgery, complex military trauma surgery, aesthetic surgery
Reconstructive microvascular surgery
*Towns*Reconstructive microvascular surgery, head and neck oncology, salivary gland surgery

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