Directory Last Updated: 04 February 2025
Return to Directory Private Consultants' Consultants in Trent within Infections
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
General medicine and infections
*Towns*General medicine and infections, tropical medicine, bloodborne viral infection, hepatitis B and C, HIV, TB - tuberculosis, meningitis, septicaemia, MRSA, clostridium difficile, COVID-19, clinical microbiology
ICU - intensive care unit infections
*Towns*ICU - intensive care unit infections, Nosocomial infections, medical device related infections, near-patient testing for infections, antimicrobial resistance, infections in renal patients, transplant related infections, infection related emergencies, molecular diagnostics
infections in renal patients
*Towns*ICU - intensive care unit infections, Nosocomial infections, medical device related infections, near-patient testing for infections, antimicrobial resistance, infections in renal patients, transplant related infections, infection related emergencies, molecular diagnostics
medical device related infections
*Towns*ICU - intensive care unit infections, Nosocomial infections, medical device related infections, near-patient testing for infections, antimicrobial resistance, infections in renal patients, transplant related infections, infection related emergencies, molecular diagnostics
near-patient testing for infections
*Towns*ICU - intensive care unit infections, Nosocomial infections, medical device related infections, near-patient testing for infections, antimicrobial resistance, infections in renal patients, transplant related infections, infection related emergencies, molecular diagnostics
Nosocomial infections
*Towns*ICU - intensive care unit infections, Nosocomial infections, medical device related infections, near-patient testing for infections, antimicrobial resistance, infections in renal patients, transplant related infections, infection related emergencies, molecular diagnostics
Sexually transmitted infections
*Towns*Sexually transmitted infections, HIV
transplant related infections
*Towns*ICU - intensive care unit infections, Nosocomial infections, medical device related infections, near-patient testing for infections, antimicrobial resistance, infections in renal patients, transplant related infections, infection related emergencies, molecular diagnostics
urinary tract infections - UTIs
*Towns*Reconstructive surgery for bladder problems, hernia, hydrocoele, undescended testes, circumcision, hydronephrosis - kidney blockage, urinary tract infections - UTIs, varicocele, hypospadias, genital reconstruction, urinary incontinence - day and night, neurogenic bladder
urological infections
*Towns*Female urology, incontinence, vaginal prolapse, general urology, neuropathic bladder, neurourology, urological infections, reconstructive urology, complex bladder dysfunction, mesh removal surgery, voiding dysfunction
viral infections during pregnancy
*Towns*Recurrent premature birth, prenatal diagnosis, fetal therapy, viral infections during pregnancy, maternal substance misuse

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