Directory Last Updated: 09 January 2025
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
cataract surgery following trauma
*Towns*Cataract surgery, vitreoretinal surgery, medical retina, limited posture macular hole surgery, combined phaco vitrectomy surgery for macular pucker and holes, cataract surgery following trauma
cognitive emotional and behavioural impairments following neurological disease or injury
*Towns*Adult and paediatric clinical neuropsychology, cognitive emotional and behavioural impairments following neurological disease or injury, PTSD - post-traumatic stress disorder, cross-cultural psychiatry
complications following surgery
*Towns*Colorectal surgery, hernia surgery including abdominal wall reconstruction and intestinal failure, cancer recurrence and complications of surgery, haemorrhoids, fissures and fistula, colorectal cancer, complications following surgery, rectal cancer and advanced pelvic cancer
epilepsy following encephalitis
*Towns*Epilepsy, difficult to control seizures, epilepsy following encephalitis
facial reconstruction following trauma
*Towns*Orthognathic surgery, facial reconstruction following trauma, facial anomalies, dental implants, maxillofacial and oral surgery, dental extractions, facial skin lesions
Head and neck cancer - function following treatment
*Towns*Head and neck cancer - function following treatment, reconstructive surgery for head and neck cancer
leg length inequality following total hip replacement
*Towns*Hip and knee surgery, leg length inequality following total hip replacement
management of spasticity following stroke
*Towns*Cerebrovascular medicine, stroke, management of spasticity following stroke, TIA - transient ischaemic attack
perineal trauma following childbirth
*Towns*Urogynaecology, bladder problems, incontinence, vaginal prolapse, perineal trauma following childbirth
perineal trauma following childbirth
*Towns*Urogynaecology, pelvic floor reconstruction, perineal trauma following childbirth, drug use in pregnancy, high risk pregnancy
prevention of pelvic floor trauma following childbirth
*Towns*Sickle cell disease, perineal clinic, prevention of pelvic floor trauma following childbirth, general obstetrics, obesity
Psychiatry following traumatic injuries
*Towns*Psychiatry following traumatic injuries, depression, substance misuse, schizophrenia
PTSD - post-traumatic stress disorder following birth
*Towns*Psychotherapy, psychological disorders amongst refugee and migrant school children, PTSD - post-traumatic stress disorder following birth
surgery following pregnancy
*Towns*Cosmetic breast surgery including augmentation, reduction, uplift, fat transfer and asymmetry correction, breast implant capsular contracture procedure, nipple surgery, Labiaplasty, surgery following pregnancy, abdominoplasty, liposuction, thigh lift, arm lift, body lift, skin and scars - removal of lumps and bumps originating from the skin including moles, cysts, fatty lumps, scar revision and general scar management, split ear lobes and minor ear problems noted at birth or after injury

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