Directory Last Updated: 01 January 2025
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
Acute and chronic adult knee problems
*Towns*Acute and chronic adult knee problems, arthroplasty of the knee - total or medial and lateral unicompartmental knee replacement, arthrofibrosis of the knee, ACL - anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, patello-femoral partial knee replacements, meniscal repair, popliteal cysts, plica syndrome and suprapatellar septum, viscosupplementation, custom made knee replacements, distal tibial tubercle transfer for patella alta, pigmented villonodular synovitis of the knee
Acute and chronic back pain
*Towns*Acute and chronic back pain, arthritis, upper limb pain, soft tissue rheumatism
acute and chronic back pain
*Towns*Pain management, acute and chronic back pain, post shingles pain, neck and shoulder pain, CRPS - Complex regional pain syndrome
Acute and chronic chest pain syndromes
*Towns*Acute and chronic chest pain syndromes, coronary angiography, coronary intervention, valvular heart disease, hypertension
acute and chronic cough
*Towns*Asthma, acute and chronic cough, COPD, smoking cessation, lung cancer, pleural disease, bronchiectasis, pulmonary interventions
acute and chronic leukaemia
*Towns*Haematological oncology, myeloma, acute and chronic leukaemia, lymphoproliferative disorders
acute and chronic liver disease
*Towns*IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, acute and chronic liver disease, hepatology, endoscopy, including video capsule endoscopy, upper and lower gastrointestinal tract stents, clinical nutrition, acid related disorders, functional gut disorders, IBS - irritable bowel syndrome, fatty liver, viral hepatitis, pancreatobiliary disorders
Acute and chronic pain management
*Towns*Acute and chronic pain management, neuropathic pain, minimally invasive treatment of problems caused by degenerative spinal, postoperative pain, neuropathic pain, palliative treatments for cancer pain
Acute and chronic pain management
*Towns*Acute and chronic pain management, spinal pain, neuropathic pain, musculoskeletal pain, pelvic pain
Acute and chronic pain management
*Towns*Acute and chronic pain management, transfusion
Acute and chronic pain management
*Towns*Acute and chronic pain management, musculoskeletal pain, nerve pain, CRPS - Complex regional pain syndrome, psychological aspects of pain, postherpetic neuralgia, cannabis-based medicines
acute and chronic pancreatitis
*Towns*Upper gastrointestinal surgery, laparoscopic surgery, hepatobiliary surgery, pancreatic cancer surgery, acute and chronic pancreatitis, gallstones, hernia surgery
acute and chronic renal failure
*Towns*General paediatrics, paediatric nephrology, acute glomerulonephritis, acute and chronic renal failure, dialysis, transplantation, nephrotic syndrome, enuresis
Acute and chronic spinal problems
*Towns*Acute and chronic spinal problems, discs, trauma, tumour, spinal cord injury, syringomyelia, rheumatoid
acute kidney dysfunction and CKD - chronic kidney disease
*Towns*Systemic lupus erythematosus - SLE and lupus nephritis, glomerulonephritis including vasculitis, renal disease in pregnancy, acute kidney dysfunction and CKD - chronic kidney disease, prevention of kidney failure
anaemia in chronic kidney disease - CKD
*Towns*Renal medicine, diabetic nephrology, transplant medicine, cardiovascular disease in chronic kidney disease - CKD, anaemia in chronic kidney disease - CKD, mineral bone disease in chronic kidney disease - CKD
cardiovascular disease in chronic kidney disease - CKD
*Towns*Renal medicine, diabetic nephrology, transplant medicine, cardiovascular disease in chronic kidney disease - CKD, anaemia in chronic kidney disease - CKD, mineral bone disease in chronic kidney disease - CKD
CFS/ME - chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis
*Towns*Constipation - stool witholding, bedwetting/enuresis, CFS/ME - chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis, sleep problems
chest infection and chronic cough
*Towns*Paediatric respiratory medicine, asthma, chronic lung disease in children, cystic fibrosis, preschool wheeze, chest infection and chronic cough
chronic abdominal pain
*Towns*Hepatobiliary surgery, pancreatic surgery, laparoscopic surgery, gallbladder surgery, hernia surgery - open and laparoscopic, abdominal pain, chronic abdominal pain, sportsman's groin
Chronic and acute pain
*Towns*Chronic and acute pain, regional anaesthesia, ultrasound-guided procedures, vascular anaesthesia, pain medicine
chronic aspergillus lung disease
*Towns*TB - tuberculosis, asthma, pneumonia, bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis, acute respiratory distress syndrome - ARDS, non-tuberculous mycobacteria - NTM, chronic aspergillus lung disease
chronic compartment syndrome
*Towns*Podiatric surgery, exercise induced leg pain, chronic compartment syndrome, sports medicine, sports biomechanics, Achilles and patella tendinopathy, dynamic intra-compartment pressure measurement for CECS - chronic exertional compartment syndrome, image-guided injections and percutaneous decompression of osteochondral lesion of the foot and ankle bones
chronic constipation
*Towns*Paediatric gastroenterology, chronic constipation, abdominal pain, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, food allergy
chronic cough
*Towns*Paediatric respiratory medicine, asthma, infant wheezing, chronic cough, recurrent chest infections, cystic fibrosis in children, flexible bronchoscopy, empyema
chronic cough
*Towns*Asthma, chronic cough, infant wheezing, chest infections, sleep problems, breathing problems
chronic cough
*Towns*Respiratory medicine, COPD, asthma, chronic cough
chronic cough
*Towns*Intensive care, asthma, management of respiratory disorders, COPD, breathlessness, chronic cough, noninvasive ventilation, TB - tuberculosis
chronic cough
*Towns*COPD, asthma, lung cancer, sleep and noninvasive ventilation, TB - tuberculosis, chronic cough
chronic cough
*Towns*Paediatric asthma, paediatric respiratory illnesses, cystic fibrosis, chronic cough, sleep disordered breathing
chronic cough management
*Towns*Adult respiratory medicine, COPD, asthma, pneumonia, lung cancer, chronic cough management, bronchoscopy
chronic daily headache
*Towns*Headache disorders, migraine, chronic daily headache, secondary headaches, post-traumatic headache, medication overuse headache, trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias including cluster headache, facial pain, interventional procedures including nerve blocks, botox injections, occipital nerve stimulation and deep brain stimulation, noninvasive neuromodulation including vagal nerve stimulation & transcranial nerve stimulation, invasive neuromodulation including occipital nerve stimulation and deep brain stimulation
Chronic daily headache
*Towns*Chronic daily headache, migraine, cluster headache, medical cannabis
chronic diarrhoea
*Towns*Luminal gastroenterology, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, colonoscopy, endoscopy, gastrointestinal infection, IBS - irritable bowel syndrome, chronic diarrhoea, Crohn's disease
Chronic ear disease
*Towns*Chronic ear disease, eardrum perforation and infection, loss of hearing, sinus disease, allergic rhinitis, nasal polyps
chronic facial pain
*Towns*Neuro-oncology, chronic facial pain
chronic fatigue
*Towns*Inflammatory rheumatic disease, back pain, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, septic arthritis
chronic fatigue syndrome
*Towns*Traumatic brain injury, mental capacity assessments, adult ADHD, somatoform disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, adult neurodevelopmental disorders, Asperger's syndrome
chronic fatigue syndrome
*Towns*Sepsis and septic shock, pyrexia of unknown origin, chronic fatigue syndrome, TB - tuberculosis , malaria, HIV, hepatitis, soft tissue and bone infections, infectious diseases
Chronic fatigue syndrome
*Towns*Chronic fatigue syndrome, self-harm, dialectical behaviour therapy - DBT, trauma, PTSD - post-traumatic stress disorder, all general child and adolescent psychiatry
chronic fatigue syndrome
*Towns*Liaison psychiatry, chronic fatigue syndrome, neuropsychiatry
chronic fatigue syndrome
*Towns*Substance misuse and alcohol detoxification, depression/anxiety, panic disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder - OCD, work related stress/occupational health, chronic fatigue syndrome, pain management, NLP - neuro-linguistic programming
chronic fatigue syndrome and chronic pain syndrome
*Towns*Addictions, adult ADHD, adult ADD - attention deficit disorder, anxiety spectrum disorders including panic disorder, GAD - generalised anxiety disorder, OCD - obsessive compulsive disorder, social anxiety and phobias, bipolar disorders including bipolar spectrum disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome and chronic pain syndrome, COVID-19 and mental health issues, depression, dementia and old age psychiatry, personality disorders including borderline personality disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder - PTSD including complex PTSD, stress related illness
chronic groin pain
*Towns*Underperformance syndrome, chronic groin pain, lower leg injuries
chronic gynaecological conditions
*Towns*Acupuncture - conditions including vulvodynia, homeopathy - conditions including PMS - premenstrual syndrome, chronic gynaecological conditions, obstetrics (NHS only), pregnancy acupuncture
chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy - CIDP
*Towns*All aspects of neurology including movement disorder, immunoneurology - myasthenia, group B streptococcus, chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy - CIDP, paroxysmal disorder, epilepsy, cephalalgia, cognitive disorders, neuro-oncology, neurogenetics, neurovascular disease, neuropathic syndromes, MS - multiple sclerosis, neurodegenerative disorders - motor neurone disease
chronic kidney disease
*Towns*Renal stones and preventions, fluid and electrolyte disorders, Fabry's disease, general kidney/nephrology disorders, all aspects of nephrology and general medicine, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, acute kidney injury, rare kidney diseases, primary hyperoxaluria, enteric hyperoxaluria
chronic kidney disease
*Towns*Renal transplantation, glomerulonephritis, chronic kidney disease, hypertension/renovascular disease, diabetic renal disease, urinary infection, acute kidney injury
Chronic kidney disease - CKD
*Towns*Chronic kidney disease - CKD, dialysis, transplantation
chronic liver disease
*Towns*Hepatology, chronic liver disease, hepatobiliary disease, diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy, colonoscopy
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