Directory Last Updated: 04 February 2025
Return to Directory Private Consultants' Consultants in North & Yorkshire within Cell
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
basal cell carcinoma
*Towns*Hand surgery, Dupuytren's disease, reconstructive surgery, Skin/dermatological surgery, tendon problems, lipoma, basal cell carcinoma
basal cell carcinomas
*Towns*Advances in cataract surgery, watering eyes, lid malposition - ptosis, entropion, periocular tumours - lid cysts, basal cell carcinomas, functional and cosmetic blepharoplasty
mast cell and eosinophil related diseases
*Towns*Sarcoidosis and rheumatoid lung disease, allergies, chest medicine, asthma, asbestosis, TB - tuberculosis and pneumonia, mast cell and eosinophil related diseases
renal cell cancer
*Towns*Medical oncology, malignant melanoma, gastrointestinal cancer, chemotherapy, pancreatic cancer, thromboembolic disease in cancer, renal cell cancer, bowel cancer
stem cell research
*Towns*Minimally invasive thoracic surgery, aortic valve surgery, stem cell research, thoracic trauma, complex pacemaker surgery
Stem cell therapy
*Towns*Stem cell therapy, haematological oncology, myeloma, palliative medicine
stem cell transplantation
*Towns*Multiple myeloma, stem cell transplantation

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