Directory Last Updated: 03 January 2025
Return to Directory Private Consultants' Special Interests word selected:- TRAUMA
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
Hand and wrist trauma
*Towns*Hand and wrist trauma, Dupuytren's contracture
hand and wrist trauma
*Towns*Hand and wrist surgery, osteoarthritis, inflammatory disorders including rheumatoid deformities, hand and wrist trauma, reconstructive surgery, sports injuries
hand and wrist trauma
*Towns*Upper limb surgery, hand and wrist trauma, shoulder surgery, elbow surgery
hand and wrist trauma
*Towns*Hand surgery, wrist surgery, microsurgery, Dupuytren's contracture, ligament reconstruction, hand and wrist trauma
hand and wrist trauma
*Towns*Hand surgery, Dupuytren's, trigger finger, hand and wrist trauma, carpal tunnel
hand trauma
*Towns*Hand surgery, hand trauma, peripheral nerve injury, microsurgical limb reconstruction, paediatric surgery, breast surgery
Hand trauma
*Towns*Hand trauma, arthritic hand, cosmetic surgery, skin cancer
hand trauma
*Towns*Breast reconstruction, lower limb reconstruction, hand trauma, facial palsy, abdominal wall reconstruction
hand trauma
*Towns*General plastic surgery, hand surgery, Dupuytren's contracture, hand trauma, skin cancer, burns
hand trauma
*Towns*Ear reconstruction, hand surgery, hand trauma, facial surgery
Hand trauma
*Towns*Hand trauma, microvascular reconstruction, bone infection, lymphoedema
hand trauma
*Towns*Paediatric hand surgery, hand reconstruction, hand trauma, hand paralysis/reanimation, Dupuytren's contracture
hand trauma
*Towns*Hand surgery, wrist surgery, Dupuytren's disease, rheumatology, distal radioulnar joint problems, hand trauma, wrist instabilities
hand trauma
*Towns*Hand surgery, hand trauma, rheumatoid arthritis, Dupuytren's disease, osteoarthritis, wrist pain, nerve compression, cosmetic surgery
hand trauma
*Towns*Hand and upper limb surgery, Dupuytren's disease, trigger finger, carpal tunnel syndrome, hand trauma, limb reconstruction, aesthetic surgery, skin cancer treatment
hand trauma and reconstruction
*Towns*Hand and wrist surgery, Dupuytren's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, peripheral nerve entrapment, hand trauma and reconstruction
hand trauma reconstruction
*Towns*Hand surgery, Dupuytren's surgery, hand trauma reconstruction, wrist injuries, peripheral nerve entrapments
hand trauma surgery
*Towns*Plastic and reconstructive surgery, hand surgery, hand trauma surgery
head and neck reconstruction/trauma
*Towns*Head and neck oncological surgery, salivary gland disease, head and neck reconstruction/trauma, skin cancer surgery
head and neck trauma
*Towns*Head and neck oncology, head and neck trauma, oral surgery
head and neck trauma
*Towns*Orthognathic surgery, head and neck trauma, salivary gland disease, benign and malignant skin surgery
head and spinal trauma
*Towns*Neuro-oncology, stereotactic surgery, brain and spinal tumours, lumbar disc disease, spinal degenerative disease, spinal cord compression, Minimally Invasive spinal surgery, Cauda Equina compression, head and spinal trauma, hydrocephalus
head trauma
*Towns*Epilepsy, neuromuscular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, head trauma, brain tumours, nerve biopsy, vaccine administration side effects
hip and preprosthetic trauma
*Towns*Hip surgery, knee surgery, joint replacement, revision hip replacement, hip and preprosthetic trauma, arthroscopy
Hip trauma
*Towns*Hip trauma, hip reconstruction
imbalance post trauma
*Towns*Rhinitis, deafness post trauma, paediatric ENT, voice, smell and taste post trauma, imbalance post trauma, nose and sinus diseases, chronic cough, voice and swallowing problems, cosmetic rhinoplasty, snoring, children's ENT pathology, noise induced hearing loss
knee reconstruction/trauma
*Towns*Lower limb arthroplasty, knee reconstruction/trauma, hip replacement, sports injuries
knee trauma
*Towns*Sports knee and knee osteoarthritis, knee trauma, paediatric knee conditions
Knee trauma
*Towns*Knee trauma, sports injuries, partial knee replacement, knee ligament reconstruction
Knee trauma
*Towns*Knee trauma, knee surgery, sports injuries
knee trauma
*Towns*Knee surgery, hip arthroplasty, sports injuries, knee trauma
limb reconstruction trauma
*Towns*Knee surgery, prosthetic and ligament reconstruction, foot and ankle surgery, limb reconstruction trauma
Limb trauma
*Towns*Limb trauma, breast surgery, reconstructive plastic surgery, skin surgery
limb trauma
*Towns*Arthroplasty, limb trauma, ankle, foot and knee surgery
long term consequences of abuse and trauma
*Towns*Clinical psychology, cognitive therapy, PTSD - post-traumatic stress disorder, adjustment to physical illness, adult mental health, healthcare governance, medical and healthcare law, personal injuries - legal claims, long term consequences of abuse and trauma, asylum and immigration, housing instability, historical abuse claims
loss of limbs and life-threatening trauma
*Towns*Assessment of psychological injury in birth trauma, secondary victim claims often involving infant death, psychological injury of delayed diagnoses, including cancer, diabetes, cauda equina and detached retinas, female pelvic pain, gynaecological and obstetric cases, chronic pain; somatic disorders and functional illnesses, psychiatric injury of lifelong physical disability (including spinal cord injury); visual impairment, loss of limbs and life-threatening trauma
lower limb reconstruction after trauma
*Towns*Hip joint replacement and revision, knee joint replacement and revision, sports injuries, ligament reconstruction, lower limb reconstruction after trauma, ACL - anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
lower limb reconstruction and trauma
*Towns*Knee replacement and revision surgery, hip replacement and revision surgery, knee instability, arthroscopic knee surgery, lower limb reconstruction and trauma
lower limb trauma
*Towns*Hip, knee and ankle arthroscopy, hip, knee and ankle joint replacement, foot and ankle surgery, sports injuries and soft tissue reconstruction, lower limb trauma
Lower limb trauma
*Towns*Lower limb trauma, nonunion, malunion, bone infection
lower limb trauma
*Towns*Knee surgery, hip surgery, lower limb trauma, pelvic and acetabular fracture surgery, knee arthroscopy
lower limb trauma
*Towns*Hip and knee replacement and revision, hip and knee arthroscopy, soft tissue injuries, lower limb trauma
lower limb trauma
*Towns*Aesthetic and reconstructive breast surgery, microvascular surgery, lymphoedema - free vascularised lymph node transfer, lower limb trauma, body contouring, lipoedema
lower limb trauma
*Towns*Breast reconstruction, lower limb trauma, burns, cosmetic surgery
lower limb trauma
*Towns*Knee and hip replacements, ligament reconstruction, lower limb trauma, arthroscopic knee surgery
lower limb trauma
*Towns*Knee surgery, soft tissue injuries to the knee, hip surgery, sports medicine, lower limb trauma
lower limb trauma
*Towns*Hip and knee surgery, lower limb trauma, multiligament reconstruction of the knee
lower limb trauma
*Towns*Hip and knee replacement, revision hip replacement, compartment syndrome, adult hip arthritis, lower limb trauma
Lower limb trauma
*Towns*Hip and knee replacement and revision, Lower limb trauma, knee arthroscopy, unicompartmental knee surgery, osteoarthritis
lower limb trauma
*Towns*Foot and ankle surgery, lower limb trauma, tendon and ligament injuries, bunion surgery, sports injuries, complex ankle or foot reconstruction, ankle replacement
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