Directory Last Updated: 03 January 2025
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
minimally invasive surgery in the treatment of lumbar spine disorders
*Towns*Spinal surgery, deformities, degenerative conditions, osteoporotic fractures, motion sparing technology, minimally invasive surgery in the treatment of lumbar spine disorders
minimally invasive treatment
*Towns*Stone disease, andrology, urological oncology, prostate and BPH - benign prostatic hyperplasia laser treatment, kidney and bladder, minimally invasive treatment
minimally invasive treatment of problems caused by degenerative spinal
*Towns*Acute and chronic pain management, neuropathic pain, minimally invasive treatment of problems caused by degenerative spinal, postoperative pain, neuropathic pain, palliative treatments for cancer pain
minimally invasive treatment of varicose veins
*Towns*Vascular surgery, endovascular aortic intervention, minimally invasive treatment of varicose veins
minimally invasive tumour treatment
*Towns*Interventional radiology, abdominal radiology, hepatobiliary cancer, pancreatic cancer, minimally invasive tumour treatment
modern treatment of haemorrhoids
*Towns*Laparoscopic surgery, endoscopy, rectal and colon surgery, faecal incontinence, keyhole surgery for groin hernias and gallbladder disease, modern treatment of haemorrhoids
multidisciplinary treatment
*Towns*Orthodontics, cleft lip and palate, multidisciplinary treatment, 3D imaging of teeth and face, orthognathic jaw surgery, impacted teeth, fixed braces/appliances, lingual braces, Invisalign
multidisciplinary treatment
*Towns*Facial growth, multidisciplinary treatment
multiple sclerosis (MS) treatment using botulinum toxin
*Towns*Brain injury rehabilitation, spasticity, multiple sclerosis (MS) treatment using botulinum toxin
Nerve stimulation treatment for epilepsy
*Towns*Nerve stimulation treatment for epilepsy, pain and Parkinson's, spinal surgery, cranial surgery, kyphoplasty, minimal access - keyhole spinal surgery, cyberknife treatment
new treatment of Type 2 diabetes
*Towns*Obesity, impotence, thyroid, pituitary, new treatment of Type 2 diabetes, insulin pump therapy, hirsutism, obesity
no longer surgical treatment
*Towns*Cosmetic surgery, aesthetic breast surgery, aesthetic facial plastic surgery, reconstructive microsurgery, no longer surgical treatment, radiofrequency body and face tightening, nonsurgical treatments, skin care
Non surgical treatment of prostate cancer
*Towns*Non surgical treatment of prostate cancer, prostate iodine seed brachytherapy, image-guided intensity modulated external beam radiotherapy for prostate cancer, chemotherapy and systemic therapy for prostate cancer, bladder cancer chemotherapy and radiotherapy, clinical trials of new agents, prostate stereotactic body radiotherapy, focal salvage seed brachytherapy
non-scarring laser treatment for diabetic retinopathy
*Towns*Medical retina, inherited eye disease, non-scarring laser treatment for diabetic retinopathy, microincision cataract surgery, AMD - age-related macular degeneration
nonfusion treatment of degeneration and spinal trauma
*Towns*Spinal surgery including degenerative, cervical and lumbar disc replacement, cervical disorders, spinal tumours, trauma, back and neck pain, lumbar spine disorders, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, operative treatment of paediatric deformity, nonfusion treatment of degeneration and spinal trauma
nonsurgical cosmetic treatment
*Towns*Hand surgery, cosmetic surgery, breast surgery, reconstructive surgery, nonsurgical cosmetic treatment, abdominoplasty, face surgery, liposuction, breast enlargement, breast reduction, breast uplift, ear correction
nonsurgical skin treatment
*Towns*Facial plastic surgery, body contouring surgery, rhinoplasty, eyelid surgery, breast surgery, nonsurgical skin treatment
nonsurgical treatment
*Towns*General dermatology, skin tumours, laser treatment, cosmetic dermatology, surgical dermatology, melanoma, Dupuytren's contracture, nonsurgical treatment, paediatric dermatology
nonsurgical treatment of degenerative spinal conditions
*Towns*Spinal neurosurgery, neck and spinal pain, minimally invasive spinal surgery, surgical treatment of disc pathology, nonsurgical treatment of degenerative spinal conditions
nonsurgical treatment of fibroids
*Towns*Pelvic pain, advanced laparoscopy, gynaecological ultrasound, subfertility, severe endometriosis, prolapse, blocked fallopian tubes, nonsurgical treatment of fibroids
nonsurgical treatment of gastric and oesophageal cancers
*Towns*Informed consent, nonsurgical treatment of gastric and oesophageal cancers, laparoscopy, gastro-oesophageal cancer resections, malignant ascites
operative treatment of paediatric deformity
*Towns*Spinal surgery including degenerative, cervical and lumbar disc replacement, cervical disorders, spinal tumours, trauma, back and neck pain, lumbar spine disorders, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, operative treatment of paediatric deformity, nonfusion treatment of degeneration and spinal trauma
Optilight IPL treatment skin
*Towns*Oculoplastic surgery, blocked tear ducts and watering eyes, cosmetic/aesthetic eyelid surgery, botulinum toxin and filler, eyelid tumour excision and reconstruction, thyroid eye diseases, orbital surgery, dry eyes and meibomian gland dysfunction, Optilight IPL treatment skin
oral appliances for treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea
*Towns*Treatment of dental malocclusion and facial disproportion, oral appliances for treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea
Orthodontic treatment for adults and children
*Towns*Orthodontic treatment for adults and children, orthodontic cases, joint cases with restorative and oral maxillofacial clinicians, cleft lip and palate orthodontics
orthognathic treatment
*Towns*Cleft lip and palate, orthognathic treatment, orthodontic and restorative cases
Orthognathic treatment
*Towns*Orthognathic treatment, teaching, trauma, medical education
Orthognathic treatment
*Towns*Orthognathic treatment, multidisciplinary restorative cases, multidisciplinary minor surgical case
Orthognathic treatment
*Towns*Orthognathic treatment, psychological impact of dentofacial discrepancy
orthognathic treatment - jaw surgery treatment
*Towns*Adult and child orthodontics requiring multidisciplinary care, hypodontia management - developmentally absent teeth, orthognathic treatment - jaw surgery treatment
outpatient parenteral antibiotic treatment
*Towns*Infectious and tropical diseases, ambulatory emergency care, outpatient parenteral antibiotic treatment
outpatient treatment of heavy periods and abnormal bleeding
*Towns*Diabetes in pregnancy, minimal access surgery and therapeutic hysteroscopy, management of uterine fibroids, outpatient treatment of heavy periods and abnormal bleeding
palliative treatment
*Towns*Clinical oncology, radiotherapy, immunotherapy, hormone therapy, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, kidney cancer, bladder cancer, endometrial cancer, palliative treatment, prostate cancer, chemotherapy
pelvic organ prolapse - laparoscopic treatment
*Towns*Menstrual disorders, chronic pelvic pain, endometriosis, advanced laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgery, endometrial ablation, hysteroscopic resection, laparoscopic hysterectomy, laparoscopic myomectomy, transcervical fibroid ablation, surgical treatment for infertility, tubal surgery, reversal of sterilisation, pelvic organ prolapse - laparoscopic treatment
periocular cancer treatment
*Towns*Lacrimal surgery, orbital surgery, periocular cancer treatment, oculoplastics
photodynamic treatment for premalignant skin lesions
*Towns*Psoriasis, Mohs' micrographic surgery, photodynamic treatment for premalignant skin lesions, skin cancer, cosmetic dermatology
pilot mental health assessment and treatment
*Towns*Clinical psychology, impact of physical illness on mental health, family and couples therapy, aviation psychology including PTSD - post-traumatic stress disorder and air rage, fear of flying, anxiety, fears and phobias, depression, pilot mental health assessment and treatment, stress, worry and anxiety
preventative treatment of kidney stones
*Towns*Prostate and bladder conditions, metabolic investigations, preventative treatment of kidney stones, robotic kidney surgery, surgical treatment of kidney stones
Prevention and treatment of infection in hip and knee surgery
*Towns*Prevention and treatment of infection in hip and knee surgery, outcome measure for joint replacement surgery, hip arthroplasty, knee arthroplasty, resurfacing arthroplasty, arthroscopy, revision arthroplasty, femoro-acetabular impingement surgery, trauma, injury
prolapse treatment
*Towns*Undergraduate education, office gynaecology and outpatient hysteroscopy, menopause, gynaecological ultrasound, abnormal uterine bleeding, outpatient endometrial ablation, recurrent miscarriage, early pregnancy care, menopause and HRT, prolapse treatment
prostate and BPH - benign prostatic hyperplasia laser treatment
*Towns*Stone disease, andrology, urological oncology, prostate and BPH - benign prostatic hyperplasia laser treatment, kidney and bladder, minimally invasive treatment
prostate assessment and treatment
*Towns*Prostate cancer diagnosis, andrology - Peyronie's disease, erectile dysfunction, prostate assessment and treatment, microsurgical vasectomy reversal, no-scalpel vasectomy, benign prostate diagnosis - medical and surgical treatments, children's conditions including foreskin problems, undescended testis, urinary tract infections and bed wetting, haematuria - bladder cancer diagnosis and management, bladder instillations for chronic recurrent cystitis
Prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment
*Towns*Prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment, bladder cancer, laparoscopic and robotic surgery, kidney cancer, lower urinary tract symptoms - LUTS, targeted prostate biopsy (fusion biopsy) for better detection of prostate cancer, blue light cystoscopy for bladder cancers
Prostate disease including prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment
*Towns*Prostate disease including prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment, focal therapy for prostate cancer - cryotherapy and HIFU - high intensity focused ultrasound, prostate steam ablation - Rezum, (sholmium laser enucleation of the prostate - HoLEP, urolift and iTIND - temporary implantable nitinol device, minimal access / invasive surgery, urological emergencies, urological education, urological oncology, bladder pain syndromes, prostate mapping - transperineal template biopsies of prostate, raised PSA - prostate-specific antigen and haematuria, Stone surgery including laser, haematuria, haematospermia, stone disease, kidney stones, male urology, men's health, testicular pain
pulsed dye laser treatment (NHS only)
*Towns*Skin surgery, botulinum toxin injections for axillary hyperhidrosis, pulsed dye laser treatment (NHS only)
radiofrequency treatment
*Towns*Pain management, orofacial pain, neuropathic pain, radiofrequency treatment, orthopaedic anaesthesia
radioiodine treatment of hyperthyroidism
*Towns*Diabetes - all types, new diabetes treatments - GLP-1 analogues, SGLT-2 inhibitors, endocrinology, thyroid, calcium, adrenal, polycystic ovary syndrome - PCOS, male sexual health, radioiodine treatment of hyperthyroidism, obesity and weight management
radioisotope treatment
*Towns*Thyroid disease, nuclear cardiology, radioisotope treatment, new technology, whole body bone single photon emission computed tomography - SPECT, ventilation/perfusion SPECT - single photon emission computed tomography
retinal laser treatment
*Towns*AMD - age-related macular degeneration, photodynamic therapy, retinal laser treatment, medical retina, fluorescein angiography, indocyanine green angiography - ICG, optical coherence tomography - OCT, diabetic retinopathy, cataract surgery
Rezum - steam treatment for enlarged prostate
*Towns*Prostate biopsy and prostate cancer, multi-parametric MRI, minimally invasive prostate intervention, image fusion targeted prostate biopsy, Rezum - steam treatment for enlarged prostate, focal therapy for prostate cancer, HIFU - high intensity focused ultrasound for prostate cancer, cryotherapy and cryosurgery for prostate cancer
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