Directory Last Updated: 09 January 2025
Return to Directory Private Consultants' Special Interests word selected:- FETAL
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine
*Towns*Fetal growth restriction, prolonged pregnancies, feto-maternal medicine, pre-eclampsia, placenta previa, high risk pregnancies
Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine
*Towns*Fetal and maternal medicine, multiple pregnancy, HIV in pregnancy, obstetric ultrasound, prenatal diagnosis
Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine
*Towns*Feto-maternal medicine, early pregnancy scanning, Down's syndrome screening, high risk pregnancy care
Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine
*Towns*High risk pregnancy, multiple pregnancy
Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine
*Towns*Maternal and fetal medicine, general obstetrics
Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine
*Towns*Fetal abnormality, placental dysfunction/failure, obstetric complications due to autoantibodies
Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine
*Towns*Obstetric ultrasound, fetal medicine, screening for Down's syndrome, detailed ultrasound and invasive prenatal diagnosis, chorionic villus sampling - CVS, amniocentesis, first trimester ultrasound, fetal cardiac screening, noninvasive prenatal testing - NIPT, first trimester fetal anomalies
Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine
*Towns*Medical disorders of pregnancy, fetal growth and pre-eclampsia, endoscopic fetal surgery, uterine artery doppler screening, fetal medicine
Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine
*Towns*Maternal medicine, fetal medicine, high risk obstetrics, antenatal maternal cardiac service, prepregnancy counselling
Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine
*Towns*High risk obstetrics, fetal medicine, multiple pregnancies
Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine
*Towns*Fetal medicine, maternal medicine, obstetric ultrasound, doppler assessment, multiple pregnancy, fetal growth restriction, chorion villus sampling, fetal blood transfusion, noninvasive prenatal testing - NIPT, pre-eclampsia, twin-twin transfusion syndrome, fetoscopic treatment of congenital diaphragmatic hernias
Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine
*Towns*Fetal and maternal medicine, laser for twin-twin transfusion syndrome, in-utero transfusion for fetal anaemia, high risk obstetrics
Paediatric and fetal cardiology
*Towns*Paediatric and fetal cardiology
Paediatric and fetal cardiology
*Towns*Paediatric and fetal cardiology, neonatology, neonatal and paediatric intensive care
paediatric echocardiography. fetal cardiology
*Towns*Interventional paediatric cardiology, paediatric echocardiography. fetal cardiology, adult congenital heart disease
prenatal stress and fetal effects
*Towns*Recurrent miscarriage, high risk pregnancy, twins, prenatal stress and fetal effects, recurrent miscarriage, fetal medicine, heavy menstrual bleeding and irregular menstrual bleeding
scanning for fetal anomalies
*Towns*Problem pregnancies, scanning for fetal anomalies, endometriosis, prolapse, incontinence, pelvic pain
Subspecialty accreditation in fetal medicine
*Towns*Subspecialty accreditation in fetal medicine, obstetric ultrasound, intrapartum care, fetal monitoring, prenatal diagnosis, caesarean section
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