Directory Last Updated: 03 January 2025
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
screening for Down's syndrome
*Towns*Maternal medicine, fetal medicine, scanning for pregnancy complications in mothers and babies, twin and multiple births, fetal abnormalities, screening for Down's syndrome, CVS - chorionic villus sampling, amniocentesis, ultrasound scan in pregnancy, invasive procedures, twin to twin transfusion syndrome, laser surgery
screening for Down's syndrome
*Towns*Obstetric ultrasound, fetal medicine, screening for Down's syndrome, detailed ultrasound and invasive prenatal diagnosis, chorionic villus sampling - CVS, amniocentesis, first trimester ultrasound, fetal cardiac screening, noninvasive prenatal testing - NIPT, first trimester fetal anomalies
screening for gastrointestinal cancer
*Towns*Bowel disorders, IBS - irritable bowel syndrome, oesophageal reflux, indigestion, screening for gastrointestinal cancer, endoscopy, bowel cancer screening, fatty liver disease
screening high risk patients
*Towns*Ischaemic heart disease, hypertension, coronary artery disease prevention, heart disease, screening high risk patients, elevated cholesterol, elevated blood pressure
sexual health screening
*Towns*Family planning, gynaecological scanning, antenatal care, sexual health screening, paediatric gynaecology, adolescence related problems
skin cancer screening
*Towns*Melanoma, skin cancer screening, viral warts, alopecia areata, connective tissue disease
skin cancer screening
*Towns*Psoriasis, eczema,acne, surgical removal of moles, skin tags, cysts, millia, cryotherapy, photosensitivity, skin cancer screening, inflammatory skin diseases
symptomatic breast screening
*Towns*Breast imaging, symptomatic breast screening, nuclear medicine
thrombophilia screening
*Towns*Thrombosis, haemostasis, thrombophilia screening, anticoagulation
uterine artery doppler screening
*Towns*Nuchal fold scanning, obstetric ultrasound, fetal medicine, high risk pregnancy surveillance, uterine artery doppler screening, gynaecological ultrasound, outpatient sonohysterography, hysterosalpingography - HyCoSy
uterine artery doppler screening
*Towns*Medical disorders of pregnancy, fetal growth and pre-eclampsia, endoscopic fetal surgery, uterine artery doppler screening, fetal medicine
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