Directory Last Updated: 03 January 2025
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
Barrett's oesophagus sponge testing
*Towns*IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, coeliac disease, IBS - irritable bowel syndrome, colonoscopy, capsule endoscopy, gastroscopy, Stretta antireflux procedure, colon cancer, Stretta antireflux, BRAVO reflux monitoring, iron deficiency anaemia, Barrett's oesophagus sponge testing
brain stem testing
*Towns*Intensive care medicine, neurointensive care, traumatic brain injury, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, thrombectomy for stroke, brain stem testing
BRAVO ambulatory pH testing
*Towns*IBS - irritable bowel syndrome, gut motility disorders, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, GORD - gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, BRAVO ambulatory pH testing, diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy
BRAVO ambulatory pH testing
*Towns*Laser medicine, Barrett's oesophagus, acid reflux, GORD - gastro-oesophageal reflux, endoscopic therapy for acid reflux, Stretta, Endostim, Stretta endoscopic treatment for gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, oesophageal cancer, colonoscopy, ambulatory 24hr pH monitoring, BRAVO ambulatory pH testing, endoscopic ultrasound - EUS, nutrition, radiofrequency ablation, endoscopic mucosal resection, achalasia
cardio pulmonary exercise testing
*Towns*Trauma anaesthesia, orthopaedic anaesthesia, obstetric anaesthesia, cardio pulmonary exercise testing, paediatric anaesthesia
cardio pulmonary exercise testing
*Towns*Intensive care, clotting, bleeding, haemorrhage and anaemia management, optimisation of surgical patients, anaesthesia for major surgery, vascular access for cancer, cardio pulmonary exercise testing, iron deficiency anaemia, cardiac output monitoring in major surgery
CPET - cardiopulmonary exercise testing
*Towns*Heart failure, complex device therapy, CPET - cardiopulmonary exercise testing, atrial fibrillation, sports cardiology, high altitude medicine and cardiology
CPET - cardiopulmonary exercise testing
*Towns*Critical care, paediatric anaesthesia, CPET - cardiopulmonary exercise testing, preparation of high risk patients for surgery - perioperative medicine, prehabilitation and rehabilitation for high risk patients
CPET - cardiopulmonary exercise testing
*Towns*General anaesthesia, preoperative assessment, CPET - cardiopulmonary exercise testing
CPET - cardiopulmonary exercise testing
*Towns*High dependency and interstitial lung disease, CPET - cardiopulmonary exercise testing, COPD, pleural disease
CPET - cardiopulmonary exercise testing
*Towns*Epidural anaesthesia, CPET - cardiopulmonary exercise testing
CPET - cardiopulmonary exercise testing
*Towns*Neuroanaesthesia, plastic surgery anaesthesia, trauma anaesthesia, preoperative assessment, general anaesthesia, CPET - cardiopulmonary exercise testing
CPET - cardiopulmonary exercise testing
*Towns*Preassessment, CPET - cardiopulmonary exercise testing, anaesthesia for major surgery, paediatric anaesthesia, TIVA - total intravenous anaesthesia
CPET - cardiopulmonary exercise testing
*Towns*CPET - cardiopulmonary exercise testing, pulmonary rehabilitation, COPD
CPET - cardiopulmonary exercise testing
*Towns*General internal medicine, allergies, asthma, sleep apnoea, CPET - cardiopulmonary exercise testing
CPET - cardiopulmonary exercise testing
*Towns*Sleep medicine, clinical allergy, asthma, pleural diseases, thoracoscopy, CPET - cardiopulmonary exercise testing
CPET - cardiopulmonary exercise testing
*Towns*Vascular anaesthesia, CPET - cardiopulmonary exercise testing
Evidential roadside breath testing and respiratory diseases
*Towns*Asthma and damp housing, Evidential roadside breath testing and respiratory diseases
exercise testing - cardio pulmonary exercise testing
*Towns*Lung function testing, obstructive sleep apnoea, exercise testing - cardio pulmonary exercise testing, advanced respiratory physiology, spirometry, breathing pattern assessment (SLP)
Exercise testing in health and heart disease
*Towns*Exercise testing in health and heart disease, coronary artery disease, chest pain, pacemaker implantation, atrial fibrillation, valvular heart disease
gastro-oesophageal reflux and physiology testing
*Towns*General internal medicine, upper GI cancer, Barrett's oesophagus, diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy, gastro-oesophageal reflux and physiology testing
hereditary cancer testing
*Towns*Fetal medicine, ultrasound, reproductive medicine, assisted conception, feto-maternal medicine, recurrent miscarriage, early pregnancy unit, hereditary genetic testing, hereditary cancer testing, cancer screening
hereditary genetic testing
*Towns*Fetal medicine, ultrasound, reproductive medicine, assisted conception, feto-maternal medicine, recurrent miscarriage, early pregnancy unit, hereditary genetic testing, hereditary cancer testing, cancer screening
HIV testing
*Towns*HIV testing
HPV - human papilloma virus testing
*Towns*Cellular pathology - cytopathology, fine needle aspiration cytology, breast pathology, pulmonary pathology, gynaecological cytology, HPV - human papilloma virus testing, EUS - endoscopic ultrasound fine needle aspiration cytology
legal issues of DNA testing
*Towns*Clinical genetics, inherited cancers, legal issues of DNA testing, pancreatic cancer
Lung function testing
*Towns*Lung function testing, obstructive sleep apnoea, exercise testing - cardio pulmonary exercise testing, advanced respiratory physiology, spirometry, breathing pattern assessment (SLP)
lung function testing
*Towns*Sleep disorders, allergy, general medicine, COPD, lung function testing
near-patient testing for infections
*Towns*ICU - intensive care unit infections, Nosocomial infections, medical device related infections, near-patient testing for infections, antimicrobial resistance, infections in renal patients, transplant related infections, infection related emergencies, molecular diagnostics
newborn hearing testing
*Towns*Hearing loss, auditory neuropathy/dyssynchrony, tinnitus, cochlear implant in young children, ototoxicity, newborn hearing testing
noninvasive prenatal testing - NIPT
*Towns*Fetal medicine, noninvasive prenatal testing - NIPT, nuchal translucency scanning
noninvasive prenatal testing - NIPT
*Towns*Maternal and fetal medicine, multiple pregnancy, high risk obstetrics, early pregnancy scanning, medical complications in pregnancy, noninvasive prenatal testing - NIPT, fetal medicine scanning and procedures
noninvasive prenatal testing - NIPT
*Towns*Obstetric ultrasound, fetal medicine, screening for Down's syndrome, detailed ultrasound and invasive prenatal diagnosis, chorionic villus sampling - CVS, amniocentesis, first trimester ultrasound, fetal cardiac screening, noninvasive prenatal testing - NIPT, first trimester fetal anomalies
noninvasive prenatal testing - NIPT
*Towns*Fetal medicine, maternal medicine, obstetric ultrasound, doppler assessment, multiple pregnancy, fetal growth restriction, chorion villus sampling, fetal blood transfusion, noninvasive prenatal testing - NIPT, pre-eclampsia, twin-twin transfusion syndrome, fetoscopic treatment of congenital diaphragmatic hernias
noninvasive testing
*Towns*Paediatric cardiology, acute paediatric assessment, noninvasive testing, medical education
ovarian reserve testing
*Towns*Fertility, minimal access surgery, endometriosis, fibroids, ovarian reserve testing
patch testing
*Towns*Contact dermatitis, patch testing, alopecia, allergy, nail disease, tropical diseases, laser therapy
Patch testing
*Towns*Patch testing, contact dermatitis, urticaria, allergic eczema, acne
patch testing
*Towns*Vulval dermatoses, patch testing, contact dermatitis
patch testing
*Towns*Allergic contact dermatitis, occupational dermatology, patch testing
patch testing
*Towns*Skin cancer, patch testing
patch testing
*Towns*Allergies, patch testing, contact dermatitis, general dermatology, eczema, acne, paediatric dermatology
Patch testing
*Towns*Patch testing, contact dermatitis, allergy, IT in dermatology
patch testing
*Towns*Dermatitis, eczema, patch testing
Patch testing
*Towns*Patch testing, phototherapy, audit
Patch testing
*Towns*Patch testing, contact dermatitis, contact eczema, alopecia, psoriasis, moles, pruritus
patch testing
*Towns*Dermatological surgery, skin cancers and cutaneous metastases, paediatric dermatology, history of medicine, cosmetic dermatology, lasers, photodynamic therapy, patch testing, eczema, psoriasis, acne, alopecia treatments
Patch testing
*Towns*Patch testing, dermatitis, tropical and infectious dermatology, skin cancer
Patch testing for contact allergies
*Towns*Patch testing for contact allergies
psychological assessment and testing
*Towns*CBT - cognitive behavioural therapy, family therapy, psychological assessment and testing, behavioural health, stress management, counselling psychology, adolescents
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