* Names, CVs (as available), locations and contact details are available to Subscribers. To subscribe, please contact Emma Taylor at emma@specialistinfo.com or 01423 727 724 for details on subscription costs. |
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Phrase |
Consultant |
CV |
Town |
Special Interests |
Acute stroke |
| Acute stroke, stroke rehabilitation, incontinence and bowel problems in later life, memory loss and dementia, Parkinson's disease, falls |
Acute stroke |
| Acute stroke, TIA - transient ischaemic attack, vascular neurology, cerebrovascular disease, late onset epilepsy |
Post stroke pneumonia |
| Post stroke pneumonia |
post stroke/head injury |
| Plastic and reconstructive surgery, hand and wrist surgery, children's hand surgery, upper limb spasticity - cerebral palsy, post stroke/head injury, upper limb nerve injury |
stroke |
| General internal medicine, stroke |
stroke |
| General internal medicine, stroke |
Stroke |
| Stroke, epilepsy, cerebrovascular disease, inflammation of the nervous system, MS, headache, poluneuropathy, vasular neurology, thrombolysis in acute stroke |
Stroke and neurological emergencies |
| Stroke and neurological emergencies, forensic examination of victims of sexual assault, child sexual abuse |
Stroke medicine |
| Stroke medicine |
Stroke medicine |
| Stroke medicine, general medicine and geriatrics |
Stroke Medicine |
| Post stroke pneumonia |
Stroke medicine |
| Stroke medicine |
Stroke medicine |
| Stroke medicine, medical education |
Stroke medicine |
| Stroke medicine |
stroke rehabilitation |
| Acute stroke, stroke rehabilitation, incontinence and bowel problems in later life, memory loss and dementia, Parkinson's disease, falls |
thrombolysis in acute stroke |
| Stroke, epilepsy, cerebrovascular disease, inflammation of the nervous system, MS, headache, poluneuropathy, vasular neurology, thrombolysis in acute stroke |
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