Directory Last Updated: 04 February 2025
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* Names, CVs (as available), locations and contact details are available to Subscribers.
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Phrase Consultant CV Town Special Interests
Complex primary hip surgery *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Complex primary hip surgery, hip revision surgery
Primary and revision hip arthroplasty *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Primary and revision hip arthroplasty, prosthetic joint infections
primary and revision knee arthroplasty *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Knee surgery, knee ligament reconstruction, primary and revision knee arthroplasty, knee arthroscopy
Primary and secondary prevention of coronary artery disease *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Primary and secondary prevention of coronary artery disease, heart failure, ischaemic heart disease, pacing, adult congenital heart disease
primary ciliary dyskinesia - PCD *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Cystic fibrosis, primary ciliary dyskinesia - PCD, asthma, empyema, sleep disorders
primary hip replacement *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Lower limb surgery, revision hip replacement, primary hip replacement, minimally invasive surgery
primary hypertension and heart failure *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Echocardiography, primary hypertension and heart failure, atrial fibrillation, arrhythmia, valvular heart disease, cardiac catheterisation, angioplasty
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