Directory Last Updated: 04 February 2025
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* Names, CVs (as available), locations and contact details are available to Subscribers.
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Phrase Consultant CV Town Special Interests
orbital *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Adnexal oculoplastics, lacrimal surgery, orbital, thyroid eye disease, cosmetic blepharoplasty
orbital and lacrimal surgery *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Eyelid, cataract, orbital and lacrimal surgery, cosmetic eyelid surgery, laser skin surgery, intraocular lens for visually impaired patients - IOLVip
orbital disease *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Lacrimal disease and surgery, thyroid eye disease, periocular oncology, facial nerve palsy, periocular trauma, cosmetic surgery, orbital disease, eyelid abnormalities, watery eyes, periocular dystonia - blepharospasm, hemifacial spasm
orbital malignancy *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Head and neck surgery, thyroid surgery, salivary gland surgery, voice disorders, oral cancer, transoral robotic assisted surgery, orbital malignancy
orbital radiology *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Neuro-ophthalmology, orbital radiology, MS - multiple sclerosis
orbital surgery *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Oculoplastics, lacrimal surgery, orbital surgery, ocular trauma, thyroid eye disease, blepharitis, dry eye disease
orbital surgery *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Oculoplastic surgery, blocked tear ducts and watery eyes, orbital surgery, periocular tumour excision and reconstruction, cosmetic surgical and nonsurgical orbitofacial rejuvenation
orbital surgery *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Oculoplastic surgery, blocked tear ducts and watering eyes, cosmetic/aesthetic eyelid surgery, botulinum toxin and filler, eyelid tumour excision and reconstruction, thyroid eye diseases, orbital surgery, dry eyes and meibomian gland dysfunction, Optilight IPL treatment skin
Orbital surgery *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Orbital surgery, lacrimal surgery, eye lid disease, oculoplastic surgery, cataract, adnexal surgery
orbital surgery *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Eyelid surgery, lacrimal surgery, orbital surgery, socket surgery, Editor in Chief Orbit Journal, Treasurer, British Oculoplastic Surgery Society, medico-legal work in ophthalmology
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