* Names, CVs (as available), locations and contact details are available to Subscribers. To subscribe, please contact Emma Taylor at emma@specialistinfo.com or 01423 727 724 for details on subscription costs.
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Special Interests
Assessment and management of complex disabilities arising from neurological conditions
Assessment and management of complex disabilities arising from neurological conditions, head injury, stroke, MS - multiple sclerosis, congenital disabilities, management of patients with spasticity, assistive technology, environmental control
Neurological MRI, paediatric radiology, accident and emergency radiology, MRI imaging, obstetrics and gynaecology radiology, general radiology
therapy and rehabilitation for people with acquired brain injury and neurological conditions
Neuropsychology, therapy and rehabilitation for people with acquired brain injury and neurological conditions, cognitive assessments and capacity assessments, dementia, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy
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