* Names, CVs (as available), locations and contact details are available to Subscribers. To subscribe, please contact Emma Taylor at emma@specialistinfo.com or 01423 727 724 for details on subscription costs. |
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Phrase |
Consultant |
CV |
Town |
Special Interests |
Community forensic mental health |
| Community forensic mental health, medical education |
Deaf mental health |
| Deaf mental health |
mental health of terrorist suspects |
| Forensic telepsychiatry, mental health of terrorist suspects, assessment of sexual offenders, ADHD, autism spectrum disorder |
pensions and insurance - liability and permanent health |
| PTSD - post-traumatic stress disorder and mental health at work in general, bloodborne viruses in the workplace, occupational ENT disease, ill-health retirement, pensions and insurance - liability and permanent health, occupational sleep medicine |
PTSD - post-traumatic stress disorder and mental health at work in general |
| PTSD - post-traumatic stress disorder and mental health at work in general, bloodborne viruses in the workplace, occupational ENT disease, ill-health retirement, pensions and insurance - liability and permanent health, occupational sleep medicine |
public mental health |
| Asperger's syndrome, high functioning autism, public mental health, perinatal depression |
travel health |
| Tropical medicine, travel health, HIV and AIDS, viral hepatitis, vaccination issues |
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