* Names, CVs (as available), locations and contact details are available to Subscribers. To subscribe, please contact Emma Taylor at emma@specialistinfo.com or 01423 727 724 for details on subscription costs. |
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Phrase |
Consultant |
CV |
Town |
Special Interests |
fibroids |
| Endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome - PCOS, laparoscopic/hysteroscopic surgery, menstrual disorders, fibroids, fertility surgery |
fibroids |
| Emergency gynaecology, early pregnancy, outpatient hysteroscopy, ambulatory gynaecology, polycystic ovary syndrome - PCOS, postmenopausal bleeding, fibroids |
fibroids |
| Colposcopy, menstrual disorders, HRT - hormone replacement therapy, minimal access surgery, prolapse surgery, polycystic ovary syndrome - PCOS, fibroids |
fibroids |
| Assisted reproduction, Asherman's syndrome, minimal access surgery, fibroids, endometriosis, laser adhesiolysis, reversal sterilisation |
fibroids |
| Complex antenatal care, natural labour, prolapse, urinary incontinence, reversal of female circumcision, pelvic floor disease, endometriosis, menorrhagia, fibroids, myomectomy |
fibroids |
| Assisted conception and IVF, reproductive medicine and surgery, minimal access surgery, surgical infertility (endometriosis, fibroids, uterine septum and other anomalies), reproductive endocrinology |
fibroids and endometriosis |
| Minimal access surgery, fibroids and endometriosis, heavy menstrual bleeding, laparoscopic hysterectomies, endometrial ablation, fibroid resection |
Menstrual dysfunction/fibroids |
| Menstrual dysfunction/fibroids, laparoscopic surgery, hysteroscopic surgery, colposcopy, urogynaecology, infertility, laparoscopic hysterectomy, prolapse |
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