Directory Last Updated: 14 January 2025
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* Names, CVs (as available), locations and contact details are available to Subscribers.
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Phrase Consultant CV Town Special Interests
abnormal blood pressure control *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Autonomic dysfunction and autonomic disorders, abnormal blood pressure control, orthostatic and postural hypotension, sweating disorders - hyperhidrosis and anhidrosis, faints, syncope, autonomic mediated - vasovagal - AMS, postural tachycardia syndrome - PoTS, autonomic dysfunction in Parkinson's disease and allied disorders, neuro-cardiovascular dysfunction in the joint hypermobile form of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, autonomic dysfunction in long COVID-19
carbapenem-resistant organisms control and management *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Adult and paediatric hepatology, infections in liver failure and liver transplantation, invasive fungal infections in immunocompromised patients, carbapenem-resistant organisms control and management
continence and urinary control *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Paediatric urology, endourology, impotence, cancer, continence and urinary control
Control of infection *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Control of infection, HIV, septic shock, antifungal therapy, new diagnostics, infectious diseases, antibiotic resistance
diabetes control and depression *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Liaison psychiatry, diabetes control and depression, detection of depression in people with diabetes, eating disorders in people with type 1 diabetes, depression and anxiety, PTSD - post-traumatic stress disorder
hypertension control management *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Coronary disease and heart attack complexity management, heart failure prevention and treatment, silent heart disease investigation and management, cardiac risk factors for sudden death, nuclear cardiology investigation and research, cardiac CT angiography, cardiac chest pain and palpitation management, hypertension control management, complex heart symptoms assessment, and management
Infection control *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Infection control, clinical infection, medical microbiology
infection control *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Clinical infection management, infection control, public health
infection control *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Mycology - invasive, medical microbiology, healthcare-associated infections, infection control, infective endocarditis
Infection prevention and control *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Infection prevention and control
motor learning and motor control *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Movement disorders, motor learning and motor control, neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders, neuroimaging, whiplash, traumatic brain injury
non-operative pain control *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Spinal orthopaedics, non-operative pain control, medico-Legal work, Deputy Editor of International Orthopaedics
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