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Phrase |
Consultant |
CV |
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Special Interests |
Chronic pain management including cancer pain |
| Chronic pain management including cancer pain |
Chronic pain relief |
| Chronic pain relief, pain medicine, interventional pain management, painful diabetic neuropathies |
chronic pain syndromes |
| Chronic pain management, chronic pain syndromes, low back pain, chronic postsurgical pain, whiplash, CRPS - Complex regional pain syndrome, spinal cord stimulation, fibromyalgia, chronic widespread pain, neuropathic pain, medical negligence |
chronic postsurgical pain |
| Chronic pain management, chronic pain syndromes, low back pain, chronic postsurgical pain, whiplash, CRPS - Complex regional pain syndrome, spinal cord stimulation, fibromyalgia, chronic widespread pain, neuropathic pain, medical negligence |
chronic scrotal pain |
| Penile reconstruction, Peyronie's disease, penile carcinoma, male infertility, erectile dysfunction, chronic scrotal pain, vasectomy reversal, penile prostheses |
chronic widespread pain |
| Chronic pain management, chronic pain syndromes, low back pain, chronic postsurgical pain, whiplash, CRPS - Complex regional pain syndrome, spinal cord stimulation, fibromyalgia, chronic widespread pain, neuropathic pain, medical negligence |
CRPS - Complex regional pain syndrome |
| Pain medicine, neck and back pain, cancer pain, neuromodulation, headache, facial pain, CRPS - Complex regional pain syndrome |
CRPS - complex regional pain syndrome |
| Chronic pain, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, back pain, CRPS - complex regional pain syndrome, opiate prescribing |
CRPS - Complex regional pain syndrome |
| Spinal pain, CRPS - Complex regional pain syndrome, whiplash, back pain, neuropathic pain, all pain related problems, cancer related pain |
CRPS - complex regional pain syndrome |
| Pain management, whiplash injury, neuropathic pain, TIVA - total intravenous anaesthesia, regional anaesthesia, spinal cord stimulation, CRPS - complex regional pain syndrome |
CRPS - complex regional pain syndrome |
| Spinal cord stimulator, abdominal and pelvic pain, sports medicine, chronic pain, multidisciplinary approach to pain, CRPS - complex regional pain syndrome |
CRPS - Complex regional pain syndrome |
| Chronic pain management, chronic pain syndromes, low back pain, chronic postsurgical pain, whiplash, CRPS - Complex regional pain syndrome, spinal cord stimulation, fibromyalgia, chronic widespread pain, neuropathic pain, medical negligence |
CRPS - Complex regional pain syndrome |
| Pain medicine, chronic pain, CRPS - Complex regional pain syndrome, ultrasound for pain interventional procedures, back and neck pain, fibromyalgia, neuropathic pain, headache |
dental pain in children |
| Oral surgery in children, dental pain in children, sedation and general anaesthesia for dental treatment in children, dental trauma, dental treatment in children, dental anomalies in children |
early inflammatory low back pain |
| Rheumatoid arthritis, hypermobility, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, early inflammatory arthritis, early inflammatory low back pain, gout, complex systemic rheumatic diseases |
endometriosis and pelvic pain |
| Reproductive endocrinology, subfertility, sports gynaecology, polycystic ovaries, PMS - premenstrual syndrome, menopause, endometriosis and pelvic pain, minimally invasive surgery |
exercise induced leg pain |
| Podiatric surgery, exercise induced leg pain, chronic compartment syndrome, sports medicine, sports biomechanics, Achilles and patella tendinopathy, dynamic intra-compartment pressure measurement for CECS - chronic exertional compartment syndrome, image-guided injections and percutaneous decompression of osteochondral lesion of the foot and ankle bones |
facial pain |
| Pain medicine, neck and back pain, cancer pain, neuromodulation, headache, facial pain, CRPS - Complex regional pain syndrome |
facial pain |
| Pain relief, neck pain, whiplash injury, sciatica, neuralgias, facial pain, interventional therapy |
Facial pain |
| Facial pain, orofacial cancer, orofacial reconstruction, dentoalveolar surgery, salivary gland disease, aesthetic facial surgery |
facial pain |
| Pain management including neuropathic and back pain, chronic pain, facial pain |
facial pain |
| Burning mouth syndrome, facial pain, oral medicine |
facial pain |
| Facial deformity, facial trauma, wisdom tooth extraction, oral surgery including removal of broken teeth, buried roots and impacted canines, bone grafting, sinus lifts, dental implants, oral medicine including soft tissue lumps and bumps and white patches, lip lesions, temporomandibular jaw joint disease, facial pain, oral ulcers |
foot pain |
| Diabetic foot, foot pain, rheumatoid foot, foot ulceration |
forefoot pain (metatarsalgia and neuromata) |
| Trauma surgery, lower limb surgery, revision surgery, hip replacement, knee arthroscopy, knee replacement including Oxford unicompartmental knee replacement, anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, foot surgery, ankle arthroscopy and fusion, forefoot surgery for arthritis, forefoot pain (metatarsalgia and neuromata), hallux valgus (bunions) |
hand and finger pain |
| Hand injuries, hand surgery including Dupuytren's, carpal tunnel and ganglion, repetitive strain injury - RSI, head and neck injuries, emergency medicine, tennis and golfer's elbow, finger injuries, wrist, hand and finger pain, wrist, hand and finger arthritis |
health issues including pain management and tinnitus |
| Depression, CBT - cognitive behavioural therapy, all anxiety disorders, anxiety, PTSD - post-traumatic stress disorder, eating disorders, health issues including pain management and tinnitus, work related stress, trauma, sleep problems, behavioural problems, childhood abuse |
interventional pain management |
| Chronic pain relief, pain medicine, interventional pain management, painful diabetic neuropathies |
joint pain |
| Neuropathic pain, fibromyalgia, musculoskeletal pain, joint pain, spinal pain |
leg pain |
| Pain management, spinal pain, back pain, nerve pain, leg pain, neuromodulation for pain, abdominal pelvic pain |
low back and neck pain |
| Spinal medicine, low back and neck pain, shoulder pain, neuropathic pain, refractory angina |
low back pain |
| Spinal surgery, total disc replacements, low back pain, neck pain, rehabilitation, minimal access spine surgery, endoscopic discectomy |
low back pain |
| Scoliosis, spinal deformity, spinal injury, low back pain, neck pain, cervical spine, total disc replacement, thoracoscopic surgery |
low back pain |
| Chronic pain management, chronic pain syndromes, low back pain, chronic postsurgical pain, whiplash, CRPS - Complex regional pain syndrome, spinal cord stimulation, fibromyalgia, chronic widespread pain, neuropathic pain, medical negligence |
lower back pain |
| Spine, lower back pain, total hip replacement - cemented, uncemented and surface, total knee replacement, arthroscopy, foot deformity surgery |
minimally invasive facet joint procedure for back pain |
| Scoliosis, discectomy, percutaneous laser discectomy, minimally invasive facet joint procedure for back pain, lumbar discectomy spinal decompression, nerve root and epidural injection for sciatica and spinal stenosis, spinal fusion/disc replacement, kyphosis, minimally invasive spinal surgery, cervical spinal surgery |
mobilisation - manipulation under anaesthesia and pain management of degenerative joint disease of the spine and the limbs |
| Complex reconstruction and implant surgery of the foot and ankle, pain management - complex regional pain syndrome - CRPS, surgical management of diabetic foot and ankle, surgical management of rheumatoid foot and ankle, musculoskeletal and neuromusculoskeletal pain management of the spine, mobilisation - manipulation under anaesthesia and pain management of degenerative joint disease of the spine and the limbs |
multidisciplinary approach to pain |
| Spinal cord stimulator, abdominal and pelvic pain, sports medicine, chronic pain, multidisciplinary approach to pain, CRPS - complex regional pain syndrome |
musculoskeletal and neuromusculoskeletal pain management of the spine |
| Complex reconstruction and implant surgery of the foot and ankle, pain management - complex regional pain syndrome - CRPS, surgical management of diabetic foot and ankle, surgical management of rheumatoid foot and ankle, musculoskeletal and neuromusculoskeletal pain management of the spine, mobilisation - manipulation under anaesthesia and pain management of degenerative joint disease of the spine and the limbs |
musculoskeletal pain |
| Pain management, neuropathic pain, musculoskeletal pain, cancer pain |
musculoskeletal pain |
| Neuropathic pain, fibromyalgia, musculoskeletal pain, joint pain, spinal pain |
neck and arm pain |
| Complex spine surgery, spinal tumours, back pain, spinal cord compression, degenerative spinal disorders, TB - tuberculosis of the spine, neck and arm pain |
Neck and back pain |
| Neck and back pain, fibromyalgia, cervicoscapular spasms and pain, osteoporosis, acupuncture for rheumatic conditions, polymyalgia rheumatica - PMR |
neck and back pain |
| Pain medicine, neck and back pain, cancer pain, neuromodulation, headache, facial pain, CRPS - Complex regional pain syndrome |
neck pain |
| Pain relief, neck pain, whiplash injury, sciatica, neuralgias, facial pain, interventional therapy |
neck pain |
| Back pain, neck pain, cervical disc replacements |
neck pain |
| Spinal surgery, total disc replacements, low back pain, neck pain, rehabilitation, minimal access spine surgery, endoscopic discectomy |
neck pain |
| Scoliosis, spinal deformity, spinal injury, low back pain, neck pain, cervical spine, total disc replacement, thoracoscopic surgery |
neck pain |
| Spinal surgery, spinal pain, back pain, neck pain, spinal injections, kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty for osteoporosis, tumour and trauma, spinal tumours, degeneration, trauma, spinal surgery keyhole surgery, minimally invasive surgery, fusion surgery, microsurgery, neurosurgery, spinal disc surgery including disc replacement, nerve entrapment, sciatica, arm pain, laser disc surgery |
nerve damage pain |
| Headache and migraine, chronic pain, nerve damage pain, neuropathic pain |
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