Directory Last Updated: 20 November 2024
Return to Directory Key Opinion Leaders Special Interests word selected:- OESOPHAGEAL
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
24h oesophageal motility and pH monitoring
*Towns*24h oesophageal motility and pH monitoring, IBS - irritable bowel syndrome, GORD - gastro-oesophageal reflux disease and achalasia, gastrointestinal motility, neurogastroenterology, food intolerance and coeliac disease
gastric and oesophageal cancer surgery
*Towns*Upper gastrointestinal and laparoscopic surgery, bariatric surgery, gastric and oesophageal cancer surgery, GORD - gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
nonsurgical treatment of gastric and oesophageal cancers
*Towns*Informed consent, nonsurgical treatment of gastric and oesophageal cancers, laparoscopy, gastro-oesophageal cancer resections, malignant ascites
oesophageal and gastric cancer
*Towns*Laparoscopic gastrointestinal surgery, obesity and obesity surgery, GORD - gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, oesophageal and gastric cancer, gastric and oesophageal, swallowing and voice disorders
oesophageal and gastric cancer
*Towns*Upper gastrointestinal cancer, gastrointestinal surgery, oesophageal and gastric cancer, abdominal pain, antireflux surgery, gallbladder surgery, laparoscopic and open hernia surgery, hiatus hernia, abdominal wall hernias including incisional hernia, achalasia, oesophageal reconstruction, surgery for oesophagogastric complications, tracheo-oesophageal fistula
oesophageal and gastric cancer
*Towns*Upper gastrointestinal surgery, oesophageal and gastric cancer, day case cholecystectomy, antireflux surgery
oesophageal and gastric cancer surgery
*Towns*Upper gastrointestinal surgery, oesophageal and gastric cancer surgery
oesophageal atresia
*Towns*Neonatal surgery, anorectal malformation and cloaca, hernia, paediatric gastro-oesophageal reflux and vomiting, oesophageal atresia, Hirschsprung's disease
oesophageal atresia
*Towns*Neonatal surgery, oesophageal atresia, NEC - necrotising enterocolitis
oesophageal cancer
*Towns*Upper gastrointestinal surgery, obesity and metabolic surgery, oesophageal cancer, gastric cancer, hiatus hernia, achalasia
Oesophageal cancer
*Towns*Oesophageal cancer, reflux, giant paraoesophageal hernia, advanced laparoscopic surgery
oesophageal cancer
*Towns*Laser medicine, Barrett's oesophagus, acid reflux, GORD - gastro-oesophageal reflux, endoscopic therapy for acid reflux, Stretta, Endostim, Stretta endoscopic treatment for gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, oesophageal cancer, colonoscopy, ambulatory 24hr pH monitoring, BRAVO ambulatory pH testing, endoscopic ultrasound - EUS, nutrition, radiofrequency ablation, endoscopic mucosal resection, achalasia
oesophageal cancer
*Towns*Medical oncology, bile duct cancer, bowel (colon and rectum) cancer, liver cancer, oesophageal cancer, pancreatic cancer, gastrointestinal cancer
oesophageal cancer
*Towns*Bariatric anaesthesia, spinal anaesthesia, cancer ablation, oesophageal cancer, thoracic anaesthesia
oesophageal cancer
*Towns*Medical oncology, oesophageal cancer, gastric cancers
oesophageal cancer
*Towns*EUS - endoscopic ultrasound, oesophageal cancer, therapeutic endoscopy, liver disease/acute liver failure, liver regenerative medicine, transnasal endoscopy, ERCP - endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography, wireless capsule endoscopy
oesophageal cancer
*Towns*Reflux, oesophageal cancer, gastric cancer, Barrett's oesophagus, laparoscopic antireflux surgery, endoscopy, EUS - endoscopic ultrasound, laparoscopic hernia repair, laparoscopic surgery, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, incisional hernia, robotic surgery
oesophageal cancer
*Towns*Clinical oncology, gastrointestinal cancers, oesophageal cancer, pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, medical education, hepatobiliary cancer
oesophageal cancer
*Towns*Hernia surgery, gallstones, minimal access surgery, gastrointestinal surgery, gastrointestinal cancer, oesophageal cancer, reflux disease
Oesophageal cancer surgery
*Towns*Oesophageal cancer surgery, oesophageal reconstructive surgery, advanced chest tumours, cryosurgery
oesophageal cancer surgery
*Towns*Upper gastrointestinal surgery, risk prediction in surgery, oesophageal cancer surgery, laparoscopic surgery including cholecystectomy, hernia repair and antireflux surgery, GIST - gastrointestinal stromal tumours
oesophageal diseases
*Towns*IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, advanced imaging in endoscopy, Barrett's oesophagus, colonoscopy, coeliac disease, oesophageal diseases, advanced therapeutic endoscopy
oesophageal disorders
*Towns*General gastroenterology, colonoscopy, polyps, tumours, oesophageal disorders, dyspepsia, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, oesophageal manometry, IBS - irritable bowel syndrome, constipation
Oesophageal disorders
*Towns*Oesophageal disorders, therapeutic endoscopy, training in endoscopy
oesophageal disorders
*Towns*Gastroenterology, colitis, liver disorders, Crohn's disease, oesophageal disorders
oesophageal Doppler monitoring
*Towns*Intensive care medicine, cardiac anaesthesia, electrical cardioversion, preoperative anaemia, perioperative haemostasis and platelet function, massive haemorrhage and blood transfusion, point of care ultrasound, oesophageal Doppler monitoring, rotational thromboelastometry
oesophageal manometry
*Towns*General gastroenterology, colonoscopy, polyps, tumours, oesophageal disorders, dyspepsia, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, oesophageal manometry, IBS - irritable bowel syndrome, constipation
oesophageal manometry and pH studies
*Towns*Colonoscopy, gastroscopy, oesophageal manometry and pH studies, gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, eosinophilic oesophagitis, achalasia, wireless pH monitoring
oesophageal motility and reflux disease
*Towns*Laparoscopic bariatric surgery, oesophageal motility and reflux disease, upper gastrointestinal surgery, benign biliary and pancreatic disease
oesophageal motility disorders
*Towns*Gastroenterology, IBS - irritable bowel syndrome, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, gastrointestinal cancer, GORD - gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, Barrett's oesophagus, oesophageal motility disorders, colonic diverticular disease, eosinophilic oesophagitis
oesophageal motility disorders
*Towns*Gastro-oesophageal reflux, EUS - endoscopic ultrasound, upper gastrointestinal stents, oesophageal motility disorders, endomucosal resection and RFA - radiofrequency ablation
oesophageal physiology
*Towns*Hepatology, oesophageal/gastric EMR - electromagnetic radiation, capsule endoscopy, coeliac disease, interventional colonoscopy, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, oesophageal physiology, eosinophilic oesophagitis
Oesophageal problems
*Towns*Oesophageal problems, functional bowel disease, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, endoscopy, colonoscopy
oesophageal reconstruction
*Towns*Upper gastrointestinal cancer, gastrointestinal surgery, oesophageal and gastric cancer, abdominal pain, antireflux surgery, gallbladder surgery, laparoscopic and open hernia surgery, hiatus hernia, abdominal wall hernias including incisional hernia, achalasia, oesophageal reconstruction, surgery for oesophagogastric complications, tracheo-oesophageal fistula
oesophageal reconstructive surgery
*Towns*Oesophageal cancer surgery, oesophageal reconstructive surgery, advanced chest tumours, cryosurgery
oesophageal reflux
*Towns*Bowel disorders, IBS - irritable bowel syndrome, oesophageal reflux, indigestion, screening for gastrointestinal cancer, endoscopy, bowel cancer screening, fatty liver disease
oesophageal stenting
*Towns*Radiology, oncology imaging, nonvascular interventional procedures, oesophageal stenting, enteric stenting, biliary intervention, gastrostomy and nutritional support, gastrointestinal radiology
oesophageal stenting
*Towns*IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, severe irritable bowel disease, GORD - gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, hepatopancreatobiliary disease, ERCP - endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography, oesophageal stenting
oesophageal surgery
*Towns*Pulmonary surgery, mediastinal surgery, oesophageal surgery, general thoracic surgery including trauma
oesophageal surgery
*Towns*Gallstones, hernia surgery, stomach surgery, oesophageal surgery, colonoscopy, gastroscopy, laparoscopic surgery
oesophageal surgery
*Towns*Gastrointestinal surgery, endoscopic surgery, gallbladder surgery, oesophageal surgery, gastric surgery
oesophageal surgery
*Towns*Gastrointestinal surgery, minimally invasive oesophagogastric surgery, cholecystectomy, oesophageal surgery, upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, hiatus hernia surgery, oesophagogastric cancer, reflux disease
oesophageal surgery
*Towns*Minimally invasive thoracic surgery including VATS - video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery lobectomy, pulmonary metastasectomy, oesophageal surgery
oesophageal surgery
*Towns*Gastric surgery, oesophageal surgery, groin hernia, reflux disease, gallstones, upper gastrointestinal cancer, obesity surgery, bariatric surgery
oesophageal/gastric EMR - electromagnetic radiation
*Towns*Hepatology, oesophageal/gastric EMR - electromagnetic radiation, capsule endoscopy, coeliac disease, interventional colonoscopy, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, oesophageal physiology, eosinophilic oesophagitis
robotic oesophageal and gastric cancer surgery
*Towns*Robotic upper gastrointestinal surgery, robotic oesophageal and gastric cancer surgery
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