Directory Last Updated: 20 November 2024
Return to Directory Key Opinion Leaders Special Interests word selected:- LIFE
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
ALS - advanced life support
*Towns*Cardiothoracic medicine, interventional rigid and fibreoptic bronchoscopy, cardiothoracic intensive care, pulmonary hypertension, ALS - advanced life support, ATLS - advanced trauma life support, endomyocardial biopsy, right heart catheterisation, CALS - cardiac advanced life support, CCrISP - care of the critically ill surgical patient
APLS - advanced paediatric life support
*Towns*SIDS - sudden infant death syndrome, apparent life threatening events, fabricated and induced illness, asthma, APLS - advanced paediatric life support, obstructive sleep apnoea, sleep disordered breathing
apparent life threatening events
*Towns*SIDS - sudden infant death syndrome, apparent life threatening events, fabricated and induced illness, asthma, APLS - advanced paediatric life support, obstructive sleep apnoea, sleep disordered breathing
ATLS - advanced trauma life support
*Towns*Resuscitation, ATLS - advanced trauma life support, acute medical problems, clinical decision units
ATLS - advanced trauma life support
*Towns*Cardiothoracic medicine, interventional rigid and fibreoptic bronchoscopy, cardiothoracic intensive care, pulmonary hypertension, ALS - advanced life support, ATLS - advanced trauma life support, endomyocardial biopsy, right heart catheterisation, CALS - cardiac advanced life support, CCrISP - care of the critically ill surgical patient
ATLS - advanced trauma life support
*Towns*ATLS - advanced trauma life support, teaching, paediatrics
brain coiling and embolisation for life threatening neurovascular diseases
*Towns*Diagnostic and interventional neuroradiology, brain coiling and embolisation for life threatening neurovascular diseases
CALS - cardiac advanced life support
*Towns*Cardiothoracic medicine, interventional rigid and fibreoptic bronchoscopy, cardiothoracic intensive care, pulmonary hypertension, ALS - advanced life support, ATLS - advanced trauma life support, endomyocardial biopsy, right heart catheterisation, CALS - cardiac advanced life support, CCrISP - care of the critically ill surgical patient
end of life care for renal patients
*Towns*Vasculitis, acute nephritis, systemic lupus erythematosus - SLE, CKD - chronic kidney disease, end of life care for renal patients, scleroderma kidney disease
life expectancy in liver disease
*Towns*Liver transplantation, chronic liver disease, chronic viral hepatitis, ERCP - endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography, alcohol related liver disease, liver disease and management of cirrhosis, life expectancy in liver disease
life sciences
*Towns*Cognitive neurology, neuroimaging, neuroscience, enterprise/innovation, life sciences, health technology, artificial intelligence, research and innovation
neonatal life support and resuscitation
*Towns*Neonatal cardiology, transcutaneous bilirubinometer, neonatal life support and resuscitation
novel diagnostic techniques in motor neurone diseases including ALS - advanced life support
*Towns*Clinical neurophysiology, peripheral nerve disease, neuropathic pain, novel diagnostic techniques in motor neurone diseases including ALS - advanced life support
prognosis and life expectancy after acquired brain injury
*Towns*Brain injury, polytrauma rehabilitation, spasticity management, neurorehabilitation, acute rehabilitation, electronic assistive technology - EAT, prognosis and life expectancy after acquired brain injury, mild brain injury and concussion, traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy
quality of life
*Towns*Paediatric oncology, paediatric neuro-oncology, quality of life
quality of life after thoracic surgery
*Towns*General thoracic surgery, lung cancer, minimally invasive thoracic surgery, chest wall surgery, quality of life after thoracic surgery
quality of life in neurological disorders
*Towns*Tropical neurology, neuroinfection, stroke, MS - multiple sclerosis, neuroepidemiology, quality of life in neurological disorders
quality of life in SLE - systemic lupus erythematosus
*Towns*Systemic lupus erythematosus - SLE, quality of life in SLE - systemic lupus erythematosus
quality of life research
*Towns*MS - multiple sclerosis, stroke, rehabilitation, quality of life research, neuroinflammation
quality of life research
*Towns*Urogynaecology, incontinence, prolapse, pelvic floor disorders, sexual function, virtual healthcare clinics, quality of life research, urodynamics, diagnostics, conservative and surgical treatments
recognition of end of life care and care implications
*Towns*Complex cancer pain management, death rattle management, medical management of inoperable malignant bowel obstruction, recognition of end of life care and care implications, respiratory distress management in palliative end of life care
respiratory distress management in palliative end of life care
*Towns*Complex cancer pain management, death rattle management, medical management of inoperable malignant bowel obstruction, recognition of end of life care and care implications, respiratory distress management in palliative end of life care
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