Directory Last Updated: 20 November 2024
Return to Directory Key Opinion Leaders Special Interests word selected:- MANAGEMENT
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
pain management
*Towns*Emergency anaesthesia, obstetric anaesthesia, pain management
Pain management
*Towns*Pain management
Pain management
*Towns*Pain management
Pain management
*Towns*Pain management, neuropathic pain, back pain
Pain management
*Towns*Pain management, whiplash injury, neuropathic pain, TIVA - total intravenous anaesthesia, regional anaesthesia, spinal cord stimulation, CRPS - complex regional pain syndrome
Pain management
*Towns*Pain management
pain management
*Towns*Fibromyalgia, back pain, sports medicine, pain management, chronic fatigue syndrome, soft tissue rheumatism, osteoporosis, inflammatory arthritis
Pain management
*Towns*Pain management, neuropathic pain, back pain, neck pain, sports injuries, therapeutic injections
Pain management
*Towns*Pain management, low back pain, botulinum toxin therapy for chronic pain, neck pain and whiplash injury, neuropathic pain, CRPS - Complex regional pain syndrome
Pain management
*Towns*Pain management, drug mechanism in CNS using functional neuroimaging
Pain management
*Towns*Pain management, facial pain, neuropathic pain, CRPS - complex regional pain syndrome, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, back pain, neck pain
Pain management
*Towns*Pain management
Pain management
*Towns*Pain management, spinal pain and complex regional pain syndrome - CRPS, cancer pain and trigeminal neuralgia, chronic pain and whiplash injuries, RTA - road traffic accident related chronic pain, CRPS - complex regional pain syndrome
Pain management
*Towns*Pain management, back pain, neuropathic pain, musculoskeletal medicine, pelvic pain, pain due to dermatological conditions
Pain management
*Towns*Pain management, head and neck pain, chronic pain
Pain management
*Towns*Pain management, cancer related pain, anaesthesia
pain management
*Towns*Spinal surgery, spinal tumours, trauma, trigeminal neuralgia, hydrocephalus, pain management, subarachnoid haemorrhage, Chiari malformations, brain aneurysm, spinal degeneration, disc protrusion
pain management
*Towns*Substance misuse and alcohol detoxification, depression/anxiety, panic disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder - OCD, work related stress/occupational health, chronic fatigue syndrome, pain management, NLP - neuro-linguistic programming
Pain management
*Towns*Pain management, low back pain
Pain management
*Towns*Pain management, interventional diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, rehabilitation, chronic pelvic pain, vulval pain
Pain management
*Towns*Pain management
Pain management - acute and chronic
*Towns*Pain management - acute and chronic, pain education
pain management - complex regional pain syndrome - CRPS
*Towns*Complex reconstruction and implant surgery of the foot and ankle, pain management - complex regional pain syndrome - CRPS, surgical management of diabetic foot and ankle, surgical management of rheumatoid foot and ankle, musculoskeletal and neuromusculoskeletal pain management of the spine, mobilisation - manipulation under anaesthesia and pain management of degenerative joint disease of the spine and the limbs
pain management and complex system control
*Towns*Palliative medicine, pain management and complex system control, advance care planning, service development and clinical leadership, postgraduate medical education, patient safety and risk management
Pain management and pain medicine
*Towns*Pain management and pain medicine, neuropathies, back and neck pain
pain management conference organisation
*Towns*Pain medicine, implantable neuromodulation, interventional pain management, cognitive and behavioural pain management, pain management education, pain management conference organisation
pain management education
*Towns*Pain medicine, implantable neuromodulation, interventional pain management, cognitive and behavioural pain management, pain management education, pain management conference organisation
pain management in neuromusculoskeletal conditions
*Towns*Rehabilitation medicine, musculoskeletal medicine, pain management in neuromusculoskeletal conditions, spasticity management, intrathecal drug delivery system
pathophysiology and management of type 2 diabetes
*Towns*Diabetes, pathophysiology and management of type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes
patient safety and risk management
*Towns*Palliative medicine, pain management and complex system control, advance care planning, service development and clinical leadership, postgraduate medical education, patient safety and risk management
pelvic and acetabular fracture management
*Towns*Orthopaedic trauma, pelvic and acetabular fracture management
perinatal management of infants born to HIV infected mothers
*Towns*Conception and HIV, HIV and pregnancy, perinatal management of infants born to HIV infected mothers, hepatitis B
perioperative risk management
*Towns*Orthopaedic anaesthesia, injuries relating to anaesthesia and complications during anaesthesia, nerve blocks, epidural and spinal anaesthesia, respiratory pathology and physiology, airway management and intubation, awareness during anaesthesia, preoperative assessment and preparation for surgery, hypoxia and hypoxic injury, resuscitation and cardiac arrest, perioperative risk management, dental injury during anaesthesia, nerve injury
pharmacological and psychological management of behavioural and psychotic symptoms associated with dementia
*Towns*Old age psychiatry, pharmacological and psychological management of behavioural and psychotic symptoms associated with dementia
pharmacological management of lipid disorders
*Towns*Percutaneous coronary intervention and angioplasty, device therapy, arrhythmia, acute coronary syndromes, heart failure, pharmacological management of lipid disorders, all adult cardiology
pituitary disease and management of pituitary tumours/raised prolactin
*Towns*General and specialised endocrinology and diabetes, therapeutics of type 2 diabetes, thyroid disease/thyroid nodule and goitre assessment/thyroid cancer, pituitary disease and management of pituitary tumours/raised prolactin, parathyroid disease/bone metabolism/vitamin D deficiency, type 1 diabetes, adrenal disease, diabetes emergencies and complications, general internal medicine
pneumonia management
*Towns*General internal medicine, sleep breathing disorders, pneumonia management, chronic cough, bronchiectasis, interstitial lung disease, noninvasive ventilation
Ponseti method of clubfoot management
*Towns*Paediatric trauma, Ponseti method of clubfoot management, paediatric rehabilitation
post-traumatic facial deformity management
*Towns*Skin cancer surgery, post-traumatic facial deformity management, orthognathic surgery, complex dentoalveolar surgery, salivary gland surgery
pressure sore management
*Towns*Spinal injury rehabilitation, pressure sore management, spasticity management, surgical contracture correction
pressure sores management
*Towns*Insertion of Baclofen pumps, pressure sores management, management of spinal injury - acute and rehabilitation
Prevention and early management in diabetes and cardiovascular disease
*Towns*Prevention and early management in diabetes and cardiovascular disease, obesity, endocrinology and bone metabolism
Prevention and management of common cardiovascular diseases
*Towns*Prevention and management of common cardiovascular diseases, heart failure
respiratory distress management in palliative end of life care
*Towns*Complex cancer pain management, death rattle management, medical management of inoperable malignant bowel obstruction, recognition of end of life care and care implications, respiratory distress management in palliative end of life care
risk assessment and risk management
*Towns*Psychiatric reports for criminal cases in England and Wales, psychiatric defences including diminished responsibility, insanity, fitness to plead/fitness to stand trial, advice on hospital orders/other disposals, risk assessment and risk management, Parole Board reports, previously a member of the Board myself, GMC work - unable to provide independent reports for this, assessment of dangerousness
risk factor management
*Towns*Paediatric cardiology, adult congenital heart disease, prevention of coronary heart disease, risk factor management
Risk management
*Towns*Risk management, patient safety training, team working, leadership, conflict management, vascular anaesthesia
risk management
*Towns*Infertility, minimal access surgery for fibroids and hysterectomy, endometriosis, risk management
risk management
*Towns*Medical education, risk management
risk management
*Towns*Neonatal medicine, patient safety, risk management, medical education
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