Directory Last Updated: 20 November 2024
Return to Directory Key Opinion Leaders Special Interests word selected:- MENTAL
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
prison mental health
*Towns*Self-harm, prison mental health
prison psychiatry and criminal justice mental health
*Towns*Assessment and management of mentally disordered offenders, prison psychiatry and criminal justice mental health, stalking, fixation and threat assessment, community psychiatry
public mental health
*Towns*Asperger's syndrome, high functioning autism, public mental health, perinatal depression
public mental health
*Towns*Old age psychiatry, dementia, depression, mental health outcome development, public mental health
spirituality and mental health
*Towns*Psychotherapy, child and family psychiatry, forensic psychiatry, spirituality and mental health, group analysis and organisational consultation, medical education
spirituality and mental health especially South Asian population
*Towns*Liaison psychiatry/medically unexplained symptoms, spirituality and mental health especially South Asian population, public education
stigma of mental illness
*Towns*Depression, stigma of mental illness, prevention in mental illness, clinical risk management for suicide, adult consequences of childhood trauma and abuse
student mental health
*Towns*Eating disorders in adults, eating disorders in children and adolescents, depression in children and adolescents, student mental health, ethics in psychiatry/neuroscience research
supporting families affected by parental mental illness - Think Family Programme
*Towns*Named doctor for safeguarding children, supporting families affected by parental mental illness - Think Family Programme, depression in children and adolescents
The mental health of prison staff
*Towns*The mental health of prison staff, forensic learning disabilities
Women's mental health
*Towns*Women's mental health, eating disorders, depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, problems with alcohol and other substances, AADHD - adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Women's mental health
*Towns*Women's mental health, eating disorders, adult ADHD, transcranial magnetic stimulation - TMS
work related mental health problems
*Towns*Evidence based occupational medicine, work related mental health problems, occupational dermatitis
Working age adult mental health
*Towns*Working age adult mental health
youth mental health
*Towns*Psychosis, bipolar disorder, youth mental health, adult ADHD
Youth mental health
*Towns*Youth mental health, early intervention in psychosis, eating disorders, psychotherapy
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