Directory Last Updated: 20 November 2024
Return to Directory Key Opinion Leaders Special Interests word selected:- GASTROENTEROLOGY
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
General gastroenterology
*Towns*General gastroenterology, colonoscopy, polyps, tumours, oesophageal disorders, dyspepsia, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, oesophageal manometry, IBS - irritable bowel syndrome, constipation
general gastroenterology
*Towns*IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, small bowel pathology, general internal medicine, general gastroenterology, upper gastrointestinal dysfunction
general gastroenterology
*Towns*Upper gastrointestinal cancer, endoscopy, EUS - endoscopic ultrasound, IBS - irritable bowel syndrome, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, Barrett's oesophagus, general gastroenterology
general gastroenterology
*Towns*Pancreatobiliary disease, hepatology, colonoscopy, ERCP - endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography, EUS - endoscopic ultrasound, EUS - guided radiofrequency ablation, general gastroenterology
general gastroenterology
*Towns*IBS - irritable bowel syndrome, general gastroenterology, ulcerative colitis, dyspepsia, reflux, Crohn's disease, colonoscopy, gastroscopy
general gastroenterology
*Towns*Inflammatory bowel disease, general gastroenterology
General gastroenterology and hepatology
*Towns*General gastroenterology and hepatology, diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy and ERCP - endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease
luminal gastroenterology
*Towns*Gastrointestinal endoscopy, bowel cancer screening, hepatology, viral hepatitis, luminal gastroenterology, Barrett's oesophagus, cirrhosis, liver disease
luminal gastroenterology
*Towns*Endoscopy, luminal gastroenterology, colonoscopy, gastroscopy and small bowel endoscopy, Barrett's oesophagus, reflux and swallowing issues, difficult gastrointestinal bleeding, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, IBS - irritable bowel syndrome
luminal gastroenterology
*Towns*Endoscopic and other screening for gastrointestinal cancers, genetics of gastrointestinal disease, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, pancreatobiliary medicine, luminal gastroenterology, clinical nutrition, cancer genetics
Luminal gastroenterology
*Towns*Luminal gastroenterology, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, colonoscopy, endoscopy, gastrointestinal infection, IBS - irritable bowel syndrome, chronic diarrhoea, Crohn's disease
luminal gastroenterology and nutrition
*Towns*General (internal) medicine, coeliac disease, gut immunology, intestinal transplantation, luminal gastroenterology and nutrition, microscopic colitis
neonatal gastroenterology
*Towns*Paediatric gastroenterology, neonatal gastroenterology, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, upper gastrointestinal, food allergy
paediatric gastroenterology
*Towns*General paediatrics, paediatric gastroenterology, food intolerance and food allergy, dietary and nutritional disorders, growth disorders, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease
paediatric gastroenterology
*Towns*General paediatric surgery, paediatric gastroenterology, minimally invasive surgery
Paediatric gastroenterology
*Towns*Paediatric gastroenterology, paediatric nutrition, paediatric liver disease, food related allergies, functional bowel disorders, gastro-oesophageal reflux, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, eosinophilic oesophagitis
Paediatric gastroenterology
*Towns*Paediatric gastroenterology, hepatology, nutrition
Paediatric gastroenterology
*Towns*Paediatric gastroenterology, milk allergy in babies, nutrition, gastro-oesophageal reflux, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, abdominal pains, abdominal injuries, fabricated illness
Paediatric gastroenterology
*Towns*Paediatric gastroenterology, paediatric hepatology, child protection
Paediatric gastroenterology
*Towns*Paediatric gastroenterology, food allergy, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn's disease
Paediatric gastroenterology
*Towns*Paediatric gastroenterology, paediatric feeding problems
Paediatric gastroenterology
*Towns*Paediatric gastroenterology, hepatology, nutrition
Paediatric gastroenterology
*Towns*Paediatric gastroenterology, neonatal gastroenterology, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, upper gastrointestinal, food allergy
Paediatric gastroenterology
*Towns*Paediatric gastroenterology, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, paediatric allergy, paediatric nutrition, failure to thrive, endoscopy, coeliac disease, paediatric reflux
Paediatric gastroenterology
*Towns*Paediatric gastroenterology, paediatric inflammatory bowel disease - IBD, Crohn's disease, enteral nutrition, endoscopy
Paediatric gastroenterology
*Towns*Paediatric gastroenterology, intestinal failure rehabilitation, management of short bowel syndrome, parenteral nutrition, intestinal immunology and allergy
paediatric gastroenterology
*Towns*Intestinal transplantation, nutrition, paediatric gastroenterology, paediatric hepatology
Paediatric gastroenterology
*Towns*Paediatric gastroenterology, paediatric nutrition, food allergies, reflux, constipation, rectal bleeding
Paediatric gastroenterology
*Towns*Paediatric gastroenterology, paediatric hepatology, nutrition and long term parenteral nutrition, Shwachman Diamond syndrome, cystic fibrosis related gut disease, assessment of children for small bowel transplantation
Paediatric gastroenterology
*Towns*Paediatric gastroenterology, Crohn's disease, reflux in children with neurodisability
Paediatric gastroenterology
*Towns*Paediatric gastroenterology, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, short gut syndrome, paediatric liver disease, intestinal failure
paediatric gastroenterology
*Towns*Paediatric hepatology, paediatric gastroenterology, liver transplantation, post transplantation care
paediatric gastroenterology
*Towns*Paediatric endoscopy, nutrition and nut allergy, paediatric gastroenterology
Paediatric gastroenterology
*Towns*Paediatric gastroenterology, reflux, cow's milk allergy and food allergy, recurrent abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhoea, failure to thrive
paediatric gastroenterology
*Towns*Paediatric diabetes, paediatric gastroenterology, respiratory and neonatology, paediatric infectious diseases, HIV, hepatitis
paediatric gastroenterology
*Towns*Neonatology, paediatric gastroenterology, allergy
Paediatric gastroenterology
*Towns*Paediatric gastroenterology, liver disease, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, IBS - irritable bowel syndrome, GORD - gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, Coeliac disease, intestinal failure, pancreatic disease
Paediatric gastroenterology
*Towns*Paediatric gastroenterology, nutrition in brain damaged children, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, gastrostomy feeding
Paediatric gastroenterology
*Towns*Paediatric gastroenterology, nutrition, paediatric hepatology, therapeutic and diagnostic endoscopy and ileo-colonoscopy, general paediatrics
Paediatric gastroenterology
*Towns*Paediatric gastroenterology, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease
Paediatric gastroenterology
*Towns*Paediatric gastroenterology, food allergy, paediatric inflammatory bowel disease - IBD, short bowel syndrome, gastro-oesophageal reflux, constipation
Paediatric gastroenterology and endoscopy
*Towns*Paediatric gastroenterology and endoscopy, paediatric nutrition, paediatric hepatology, general paediatrics, paediatric diagnostic and interventional endoscopist
Paediatric gastroenterology and nutrition
*Towns*Paediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, coeliac disease, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, gut enteropathy, gastro-oesophageal reflux, food allergies
transition and adolescent gastroenterology
*Towns*Gastrointestinal food allergy, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, coeliac disease, general paediatrics, transition and adolescent gastroenterology, gastro-oesophageal reflux and constipation, recurrent abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhoea, congenital diarrhoea, constipation
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