Directory Last Updated: 04 February 2025
Return to Directory Clinical Trial Consultants in South West within Psychiatry
Names, CVs (as available), locations and contact details of Investigators are available to Subscribers.
To subscribe, please contact Emma Taylor at or 01423 727 724 for details on subscription costs.
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
acute adult inpatient psychiatry
*Towns*Substance misuse/dual diagnosis, acute adult inpatient psychiatry
general adult psychiatry
*Towns*Rehabilitation, forensic psychiatry, general adult psychiatry, PTSD - post-traumatic stress disorder, Mental Health Act second opinions
general adult psychiatry
*Towns*Old age psychiatry, general adult psychiatry
general adult psychiatry
*Towns*Old age psychiatry, general adult psychiatry
general psychiatry
*Towns*Substance misuse, liaison psychiatry, general psychiatry
Old age psychiatry
*Towns*Old age psychiatry, liaison psychiatry
Old age psychiatry
*Towns*Old age psychiatry, general adult psychiatry
Old age psychiatry
*Towns*Old age psychiatry, neuropsychiatry
Old age psychiatry
*Towns*Old age psychiatry, general adult psychiatry
Old age psychiatry
*Towns*Old age psychiatry, Huntington's disease, memory assessment
Old age psychiatry
*Towns*Old age psychiatry
Old age psychiatry
*Towns*Old age psychiatry, memory services
*Towns*Psychotherapy, psychiatry
Psychiatry of old age
*Towns*Psychiatry of old age, adult psychiatry
Psychiatry of old age
*Towns*Psychiatry of old age, homeopathic medicine, family therapy, general adult psychiatry
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