Directory Last Updated: 04 February 2025
Return to Directory Clinical Trial Consultants in South East within Keyhole
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
hip and knee keyhole surgery
*Towns*Hip and knee surgery, hip joint arthroplasty, knee joint arthroplasty and injury, lower limb surgery, hip arthroscopy, hip impingement decompression and labral repair, Birmingham hip resurfacing, hip and knee keyhole surgery
keyhole bunion surgery
*Towns*Foot and ankle surgery, keyhole cheilectomy, keyhole bunion surgery, keyhold Charcot, ankle replacement
keyhole cheilectomy
*Towns*Foot and ankle surgery, keyhole cheilectomy, keyhole bunion surgery, keyhold Charcot, ankle replacement
keyhole knee surgery
*Towns*Hip and knee surgery, keyhole knee surgery
keyhole surgery
*Towns*Gynaecological cancer, ovarian cysts, abnormal smears, fibroids, keyhole surgery, pelvic floor surgery, postmenopausal and irregular bleeding, sentinel node detection
keyhole treatments for varicose veins
*Towns*Endovascular surgery, keyhole treatments for varicose veins, abdominal aortic aneurysms, peripheral arterial disease, carotid artery disease, cardiovascular risk reduction
minimal access keyhole surgery
*Towns*Menopause, minimal access keyhole surgery, pelvic organ prolapse, incontinence, colposcopy, endometriosis
minimally invasive foot surgery including keyhole bunion surgery
*Towns*Minimally invasive knee surgery, foot surgery, ankle surgery, joint replacement, sports injuries, minimally invasive foot surgery including keyhole bunion surgery, musculoskeletal trauma
Peripheral vascular disease and endovascular keyhole techniques to treat peripheral arterial disease
*Towns*Peripheral vascular disease and endovascular keyhole techniques to treat peripheral arterial disease, varicose veins treatment using endovenous techniques, aortic disease, carotid artery disease
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