Directory Last Updated: 03 December 2024
Return to Directory Clinical Trial Special Interests word selected:- FIBREOPTIC
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
FEES - fibreoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing
*Towns*Swallowing problems, thyroid surgery, head and neck pathology, FEES - fibreoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing, FESS - functional endoscopic sinus surgery, TNFLO - transnasal flexible laryngo-oesophagoscopy, allergic rhinitis
fibreoptic breast duct endoscopy
*Towns*Breast cancer, breast reconstruction, oncoplastic breast surgery, family history, genetics and management of breast cancer risk, fibreoptic breast duct endoscopy
interventional rigid and fibreoptic bronchoscopy
*Towns*Cardiothoracic medicine, interventional rigid and fibreoptic bronchoscopy, cardiothoracic intensive care, pulmonary hypertension, ALS - advanced life support, ATLS - advanced trauma life support, endomyocardial biopsy, right heart catheterisation, CALS - cardiac advanced life support, CCrISP - care of the critically ill surgical patient
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