Directory Last Updated: 04 February 2025
Return to Directory Clinical Trial Consultants in South West within Deformity
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To subscribe, please contact Emma Taylor at or 01423 727 724 for details on subscription costs.
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
facial deformity
*Towns*Head and neck cancers, reconstruction work post head and neck surgery, TMJ - temporomandibular joint disorder, parotid surgery, facial deformity, aesthetic surgery
Facial deformity
*Towns*Facial deformity, skin cancer, salivary gland disease, oral surgery
facial deformity
*Towns*Implantology, dental surgery, resection and reconstruction in head and neck cancer, skin cancer, salivary gland disorders, TMJ - temporomandibular joint disorders, facial deformity, facial pain, facial trauma
spinal deformity
*Towns*Spinal surgery, spinal deformity, stenosis, spinal tumours, spinal trauma, paediatric spinal surgery
spinal deformity
*Towns*Vertebral body modic changes, spinal deformity, cervical spine, degenerative conditions, lumbar spine, neurosurgery, trauma and orthopaedics
spinal deformity including scoliosis/kyphosis
*Towns*Adult and paediatric spinal surgery, spinal deformity including scoliosis/kyphosis, degenerative spinal disease, spinal tumours, spinal trauma, back pain
Spinal surgery including deformity and scoliosis
*Towns*Spinal surgery including deformity and scoliosis, trauma including vertebroplasty, tumour surgery, degenerative including cervical, thoracic and lumbar surgery, back and neck pain, medico-legal work, sports injury, informed consent
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