Clinical Trial Consultants in North & Yorkshire within Children
Names, CVs (as available), locations and contact details of Investigators are available to Subscribers. To subscribe, please contact Emma Taylor at or 01423 727 724 for details on subscription costs.
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Special Interests
Children of short stature
Children of short stature, children with disorders of sex development - DSD, adolescents with gender dysphoria
children with disorders of sex development - DSD
Children of short stature, children with disorders of sex development - DSD, adolescents with gender dysphoria
Congenital and acquired heart disease in children and adults
Congenital and acquired heart disease in children and adults, aortic valve and ascending aortic surgery
paroxysmal disorders in children
Epilepsy, headaches, acquired brain injury, paroxysmal disorders in children
safeguarding children
Neonatology, paediatric diabetes, safeguarding children, neurodisability care
soft tissue tumours in adults and children - radiotherapy only
Clinical oncology, breast cancer, soft tissue tumours in adults and children - radiotherapy only, gynaecological oncology
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