Directory Last Updated: 20 November 2024
Return to Directory Clinical Trial Special Interests word selected:- BRONCHOSCOPY
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
*Towns*Thoracic medicine, lung cancer, COPD, sleep disorders, bronchoscopy
*Towns*Paediatric cystic fibrosis, paediatric respiratory medicine, bronchoscopy, general paediatrics
*Towns*Bronchoscopy, lung cancer, airway diseases, cystic fibrosis, respiratory infection, emphysema and COPD, severe asthma, bronchial thermoplasty for asthma, lung volume reduction for emphysema, treatment of COPD with vapor therapy, RejuvinAir procedure for chronic bronchitis, COVID-19
*Towns*Lung cancer, bronchoscopy
Bronchoscopy and endobronchial ultrasound - EBUS
*Towns*Bronchoscopy and endobronchial ultrasound - EBUS, lung cancer, respiratory medicine
bronchoscopy and thoracoscopy
*Towns*COPD, sleep apnoea, lung cancer, interventional thoracoscopy, pleural disease, lung infections, asthma, general internal medicine, post COVID-19 symptoms, chronic cough, bronchoscopy and thoracoscopy, endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration - EBUS-TBNA
flexible bronchoscopy
*Towns*Paediatric respiratory medicine, asthma, infant wheezing, chronic cough, recurrent chest infections, cystic fibrosis in children, flexible bronchoscopy, empyema
interventional bronchoscopy
*Towns*Cystic fibrosis, systemic vasculitis, interventional bronchoscopy
interventional bronchoscopy
*Towns*COPD, sleep apnoea, interventional bronchoscopy, infectious disease and sepsis, ventilatory failure, interstitial lung disease, asthma, high dependency care, intensive care
interventional bronchoscopy
*Towns*Lung cancer, interventional bronchoscopy, COPD
interventional bronchoscopy
*Towns*Lung cancer, interventional bronchoscopy, sleep medicine, general medicine, medical education
interventional rigid and fibreoptic bronchoscopy
*Towns*Cardiothoracic medicine, interventional rigid and fibreoptic bronchoscopy, cardiothoracic intensive care, pulmonary hypertension, ALS - advanced life support, ATLS - advanced trauma life support, endomyocardial biopsy, right heart catheterisation, CALS - cardiac advanced life support, CCrISP - care of the critically ill surgical patient
paediatric bronchoscopy
*Towns*Anaesthetics, paediatric critical care, healthcare informatics, paediatric bronchoscopy, paediatric ECMO - extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
robotic and navigation bronchoscopy
*Towns*Thoracic surgery, lung cancer, mesothelioma, robotic and navigation bronchoscopy, robotic surgery, lung nodules - diagnosis and treatment
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