Directory Last Updated: 11 March 2025
Return to Directory Clinical Trial Special Interests word selected:- FETAL
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
fetal medicine
*Towns*Prenatal diagnosis, fetal medicine
Fetal medicine
*Towns*Fetal medicine, intrapartum care, intrauterine growth restriction - IUGR, multiple pregnancy
Fetal medicine
*Towns*Fetal medicine, maternal medicine, intrapartum obstetrics, obstetric ultrasound, prenatal diagnosis, twin pregnancies in women with pre-existing diabetes, high risk pregnancies
Fetal medicine
*Towns*Fetal medicine, substance misuse in pregnancy, fetal echocardiography, chorionic villus sampling - CVS, pre-eclampsia, high risk obstetrics, drug abuse in pregnancy
Fetal medicine
*Towns*Fetal medicine, fetal growth restriction, preterm growth, multiple pregnancy
fetal medicine
*Towns*High risk obstetrics, fetal medicine, benign gynaecology, medical education and simulation training
Fetal medicine
*Towns*Fetal medicine, general gynaecology
fetal medicine
*Towns*Obstetric ultrasound, fetal medicine, screening for Down's syndrome, detailed ultrasound and invasive prenatal diagnosis, chorionic villus sampling - CVS, amniocentesis, first trimester ultrasound, fetal cardiac screening, noninvasive prenatal testing - NIPT, first trimester fetal anomalies
fetal medicine
*Towns*Medical disorders of pregnancy, fetal growth and pre-eclampsia, endoscopic fetal surgery, uterine artery doppler screening, fetal medicine
fetal medicine
*Towns*High risk pregnancies, fetal medicine, perinatal brain injury
Fetal medicine
*Towns*Fetal medicine, feto-maternal medicine, minimal access surgery, menorrhagia, hysteroscopy, laparoscopic surgery, ultrasound, subfertility, polycystic ovary syndrome - PCOS, pelvic and abdominal pain, menstrual problemsy
Fetal medicine
*Towns*Fetal medicine, intrapartum care and CTG - Cardiotocograph
Fetal medicine
*Towns*Fetal medicine, laparoscopic surgery
Fetal medicine
*Towns*Fetal medicine, high risk obstetrics, management of breast cancer during pregnancy
Fetal medicine
*Towns*Fetal medicine
fetal medicine
*Towns*Maternal medicine, fetal medicine, high risk obstetrics, 3D and 4D fetal scanning, premature births
Fetal medicine
*Towns*Fetal medicine, maternal lupus, obstetrics
fetal medicine
*Towns*Obstetric scanning, gynaecological scanning, maternal medicine, fetal medicine, recurrent miscarriage, pelvic pain, fibroids
fetal medicine
*Towns*Maternal medicine, fetal medicine, obstetric endocrinology
Fetal medicine
*Towns*Fetal medicine, general gynaecology, subfertility, endometriosis
Fetal medicine
*Towns*Fetal medicine, maternal medicine, obstetric ultrasound, doppler assessment, multiple pregnancy, fetal growth restriction, chorion villus sampling, fetal blood transfusion, noninvasive prenatal testing - NIPT, pre-eclampsia, twin-twin transfusion syndrome, fetoscopic treatment of congenital diaphragmatic hernias
fetal medicine
*Towns*Dysmorphology, paediatric genetics, prenatal genetics, fetal medicine, Huntington's disease, fetal alcohol syndrome
fetal medicine
*Towns*Emergency gynaecology, gynaecological ultrasound, early pregnancy problems, ambulatory gynaecology, fetal medicine
Fetal medicine
*Towns*Fetal medicine, multiple pregnancy, pregnancy loss, amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling
fetal medicine
*Towns*Antenatal scanning, fetal medicine, fetal cardiac anomalies, obstetrics, multiple pregnancy, natural caesarean
fetal medicine and high risk obstetrics
*Towns*Reproductive endocrinology, fetal medicine and high risk obstetrics, contraception and family planning, menorrhagia, polycystic ovary syndrome - PCOS, recurrent miscarriage
fetal medicine scanning and procedures
*Towns*Maternal and fetal medicine, multiple pregnancy, high risk obstetrics, early pregnancy scanning, medical complications in pregnancy, noninvasive prenatal testing - NIPT, fetal medicine scanning and procedures
fetal monitoring
*Towns*Feto-maternal medicine, prenatal diagnosis, fetal monitoring, labour ward practice
fetal monitoring
*Towns*Subspecialty accreditation in fetal medicine, obstetric ultrasound, intrapartum care, fetal monitoring, prenatal diagnosis, caesarean section
fetal neurosurgery
*Towns*Adult and paediatric neurosurgery, neuro-oncology, spasticity and degenerative spine disease, neuroendoscopy, fetal neurosurgery, chiari malformations and syringomyelia, hydrocephalus, CSF - cerebrospinal fluid disorders
fetal surgery
*Towns*Maternal medicine, fetal medicine, preterm birth, fetal growth restriction, fetal surgery, in utero stem cell transplant
fetal surgery
*Towns*Fetal medicine, all prenatal diagnostic techniques, general obstetrics, fetal surgery, conjoined twins
fetal therapy
*Towns*Recurrent premature birth, prenatal diagnosis, fetal therapy, viral infections during pregnancy, maternal substance misuse
first trimester fetal anomalies
*Towns*Obstetric ultrasound, fetal medicine, screening for Down's syndrome, detailed ultrasound and invasive prenatal diagnosis, chorionic villus sampling - CVS, amniocentesis, first trimester ultrasound, fetal cardiac screening, noninvasive prenatal testing - NIPT, first trimester fetal anomalies
in-utero transfusion for fetal anaemia
*Towns*Fetal and maternal medicine, laser for twin-twin transfusion syndrome, in-utero transfusion for fetal anaemia, high risk obstetrics
labour and fetal monitoring
*Towns*Bacterial vaginosis, preterm delivery, miscarriage in late pregnancy, chronic thrush, labour and fetal monitoring, general and high risk obstetrics, medico-legal CTGs and labour
Maternal and fetal medicine
*Towns*Maternal and fetal medicine, labour ward lead consultant
Maternal and fetal medicine
*Towns*Maternal and fetal medicine, sepsis, medical education
maternal and fetal medicine
*Towns*Twins, maternal and fetal medicine, labour and delivery
Maternal and fetal medicine
*Towns*Maternal and fetal medicine, general obstetrics
Maternal and fetal medicine
*Towns*Maternal and fetal medicine, maternal endocrinology, labour care
Maternal and fetal medicine
*Towns*Maternal and fetal medicine, general gynaecology
maternal and fetal medicine
*Towns*Medical management, clinical governance/risk management, maternal and fetal medicine, ultrasound
Maternal and fetal medicine
*Towns*Maternal and fetal medicine, multiple pregnancy, high risk obstetrics, early pregnancy scanning, medical complications in pregnancy, noninvasive prenatal testing - NIPT, fetal medicine scanning and procedures
Maternal and fetal medicine
*Towns*Maternal and fetal medicine
Maternal and fetal medicine
*Towns*Maternal and fetal medicine, labour ward management, colposcopy, healthcare leadership, medico-legal expert witness, medical education, general gynaecology, operative obstetrics
Maternal fetal medicine
*Towns*Maternal fetal medicine, obstetric ultrasound scanning, pelvic ultrasound, obstetric thrombophilia, recurrent early miscarriage
neonatal and fetal immunity
*Towns*Paediatric immunology, immunodeficiency, neonatal and fetal immunity, nutritional immunology, immune dysregulation
Paediatric and fetal cardiology
*Towns*Paediatric and fetal cardiology
Paediatric and fetal cardiology
*Towns*Paediatric and fetal cardiology, neonatology, neonatal and paediatric intensive care
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