Directory Last Updated: 06 March 2025
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
advanced therapy - upper gastrointestinal
*Towns*Helicobacter pylori, nutrition, upper gastrointestinal cancer, quality of life in inflammatory bowel disease - IBD, colonoscopy and advanced therapeutic endoscopy/bowel cancer screening programme, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, Barrett's oesophagus, advanced therapy - upper gastrointestinal
botulinum toxin injection therapy
*Towns*Movement disorders, memory disorders, headaches, botulinum toxin injection therapy
cancer diagnostics and therapy
*Towns*Endoscopy, cancer diagnostics and therapy, irritable bowel disease, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, coeliac disease, gallstones
CAR-T cell therapy
*Towns*Haematological oncology, bone marrow transplantation, chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, lymphoma, leukaemia, CAR-T cell therapy, myeloma
cardiac device therapy
*Towns*Heart failure, cardiac device therapy
cardiac resynchronisation therapy - CRT
*Towns*General internal medicine, advanced heart failure, complex pacing, defibrillator implantation, biventricular pacemaker implantation, complex device therapy, cardiac resynchronisation therapy - CRT, arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation, breathlessness, chest pain, palpitations, syncope, blackouts, dizziness
cardiac resynchronisation therapy - CRT and permanent pacemakers
*Towns*Heart failure and arrhythmias, general cardiology, complex cardiac device implantation including ICD - implantable cardioverter defibrillator, cardiac resynchronisation therapy - CRT and permanent pacemakers, undergraduate and postgraduate medical education and simulation training
CBT - cognitive behavioural therapy
*Towns*Perinatal psychiatry, liaison psychiatry, CBT - cognitive behavioural therapy
chemoembolisation/selective internal radiation therapy - SIRT
*Towns*Hepatobiliary and pancreatic radiology/intervention, RFA - radiofrequency ablation, EUS - endoscopic ultrasound, chemoembolisation/selective internal radiation therapy - SIRT
Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT)
*Towns*Applied relaxation, CBT, Behavioural Activation (BA), Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT), pain management, mental resilience & performance training
Cognitive therapy
*Towns*Cognitive therapy, bipolar disorder, forensic psychiatry
complex device therapy
*Towns*General internal medicine, advanced heart failure, complex pacing, defibrillator implantation, biventricular pacemaker implantation, complex device therapy, cardiac resynchronisation therapy - CRT, arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation, breathlessness, chest pain, palpitations, syncope, blackouts, dizziness
congnitive behavioural therapy
*Towns*Child and adolescent psychology, anxiety/anxiety disorders and depression, Asperger's syndrome and autism/autistic spectrum disorders, ADHD, developmental disorders, congnitive behavioural therapy, attachment disorders, eating disorders, cleft lip and palate, learning disabilities in children, OCD, PTSD, psychosis, sleep problems, Tourettes, mental health
continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion - CSII - therapy
*Towns*Endocrinology, continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion - CSII - therapy, diabetes in young adults, insulin treatment in type 2 diabetes
cosmetic laser therapy
*Towns*Skin cancer surgery, breast surgery, hand surgery, cosmetic surgery, cosmetic laser therapy
CRT - cardiac resynchronisation therapy
*Towns*Pacing devices, heart failure, CRT - cardiac resynchronisation therapy
CSII - continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion therapy in patients with diabetic gastroparesis
*Towns*Diabetes, diabetic foot, CSII - continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion therapy in patients with diabetic gastroparesis, diabetic nephropathy
device therapy
*Towns*Cardiac electrophysiology, device therapy, pacing
device therapy
*Towns*Arrhythmia, device therapy, heart failure, stroke risk management
device therapy
*Towns*Ischaemic heart disease, arrhythmia, heart failure, hypertension, device therapy, complex pacing, echocardiography
device therapy
*Towns*Coronary atheroma, percutaneous intervention, heart failure, ischaemic heart disease, hypertension, arrhythmia, transthoracic and transoesophageal echo, device therapy
device therapy
*Towns*Electrophysiology, device therapy, atrial fibrillation
device therapy
*Towns*Heart failure, echocardiography, device therapy
device therapy
*Towns*Electrophysiology, device therapy, cardiac rhythm disorders
dialectical behaviour therapy - DBT
*Towns*Personality disorder, dialectical behaviour therapy - DBT
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing Therapy)
*Towns*Sexual, Emotional & Physical Abuse (Adult Survivors), Secondary Trauma (Adults & Children), Autism and ADHD Assessments, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing Therapy), Cognitive and Psychometric Assessments, Learning Difficulties, PTSD, Psychotherapy in relation to Chronic Stress, OCD and attachment disorders
emergency oxygen therapy
*Towns*Chronic cough, emergency oxygen therapy
Endocinch - endoscopic reflux therapy
*Towns*Endocinch - endoscopic reflux therapy, pancreatobiliary pathologies
endocrine therapy (hormone treatment) for breast cancer
*Towns*Clinical oncology, lung cancer, breast cancer, stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy - SABR, endocrine therapy (hormone treatment) for breast cancer
endocrine therapy of breast cancer
*Towns*Medical oncology, early and advanced breast cancer, endocrine therapy of breast cancer
EVLT - endovenous laser therapy
*Towns*EVLT - endovenous laser therapy, EVAR - endovascular aneurysm repair, femoro-distal bypass, vascular surgery
EVLT - endovenous laser therapy
*Towns*Vascular surgery, endovascular surgery, varicose veins, EVLT - endovenous laser therapy, open and laparoscopic hernia repair
EVLT - endovenous laser therapy
*Towns*Vascular surgery, varicose vein surgery, EVLT - endovenous laser therapy, foam injection sclerotherapy, leg ulcers, aneurysms, peripheral vascular diseases
focal therapy for prostate cancer - cryotherapy and HIFU - high intensity focused ultrasound
*Towns*Prostate disease including prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment, focal therapy for prostate cancer - cryotherapy and HIFU - high intensity focused ultrasound, prostate steam ablation - Rezum, (sholmium laser enucleation of the prostate - HoLEP, urolift and iTIND - temporary implantable nitinol device, minimal access / invasive surgery, urological emergencies, urological education, urological oncology, bladder pain syndromes, prostate mapping - transperineal template biopsies of prostate, raised PSA - prostate-specific antigen and haematuria, Stone surgery including laser, haematuria, haematospermia, stone disease, kidney stones, male urology, men's health, testicular pain
gene therapy
*Towns*Leukaemia, bone marrow transplantation, aplastic anaemia, multiple myeloma, chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapies, gene therapy
Home therapy dialysis
*Towns*Home therapy dialysis, home haemodialysis, CKD - chronic kidney disease, diabetic nephropathy
HRT - hormone replacement therapy
*Towns*Male infertility, HRT - hormone replacement therapy, polycystic ovary syndrome - PCOS, female infertility, vaginal prolapse, heavy periods - menstrual disorders, female hormonal problems, pelvic pain, hysteroscopy, laparoscopy and laparoscopic surgery, fibroids, ovarian cysts
HRT - hormone replacement therapy
*Towns*Urogynaecology, pelvic floor dysfunction, menopause, HRT - hormone replacement therapy
Immunosuppressive therapy
*Towns*Immunosuppressive therapy, renal transplantation, pancreas transplantation, dialysis access surgery
Infection/antimicrobial therapy
*Towns*Infection/antimicrobial therapy
insulin pump therapy in children
*Towns*Paediatric and adolescent diabetes, growth disorders, obesity, insulin pump therapy in children
laser therapy
*Towns*Skin cancer, pigmented lesions, industrial dermatitis, laser therapy, phototherapy, botox, rejuvenation therapies
light therapy treatment of dry age-related macular degeneration
*Towns*Laser treatment for AMD - age-related macular degeneration, injection treatment for wet age-related macular degeneration, injection treatment of dry age-related macular degeneration, light therapy treatment of dry age-related macular degeneration, treatment of dry eyes, meibomian gland dysfunction and blepharitis, glaucoma
liver directed therapy including selective internal radiation therapy - SIRT
*Towns*Medical oncology, colorectal cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, cancer from unknown primary, liver directed therapy including selective internal radiation therapy - SIRT, DEBIRI, stereotactic radiation
menopause and HRT - hormone replacement therapy
*Towns*Diabetes, gestational diabetes mellitus, pituitary disease, thyroid disease, adrenal disease, polycystic ovary syndrome - PCOS, obesity, menopause and HRT - hormone replacement therapy, premenstrual syndrome - PMS
mirror box therapy
*Towns*Management of neuropathic refractory angina, back pain, CRPS - complex regional pain syndrome, whiplash, mirror box therapy, management of scar pain, neuropathic pain
non-dialytic therapy
*Towns*CKD - chronic kidney disease, non-dialytic therapy, AKI - acute kidney injury, vasculitis, hypertension, weight management
outpatient antimicrobial therapy
*Towns*Medical microbiology, infection prevention and control, diabetic foot injection, outpatient antimicrobial therapy
pacing and device therapy
*Towns*Interventional cardiology, pacing and device therapy, heart failure pacing
Pacing and device therapy
*Towns*Pacing and device therapy, interventional cardiology
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