Directory Last Updated: 04 February 2025
Return to Directory Consultants in South East within Pelvis
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
abdomen and pelvis
*Towns*Breast screening and assessment, diagnosis of breast disease, abdominal ultrasound - testis, thyroid, vascular, deep vein thrombosis - DVT, CT scanning - head, neck, chest, abdomen and pelvis, breast imaging and intervention, mammogram - breast and axillary ultrasound, breast MRI, ultrasound or stereotactic guided fine needle aspiration core biopsy and wire localisation
Hip and pelvis surgery
*Towns*Hip and pelvis surgery, revision hip surgery, hip resurfacing, knee arthroplasty
pelvis and acetabular reconstruction
*Towns*Direct Anterior Hip Arthroplasty (DAA), hip arthroscopy, revision lower limb arthroplasty, pelvis and acetabular reconstruction, complex primary and revision lower limb arthroplasty, piriformis-sparing minimally posterior approach
pelvis surgery
*Towns*Hip surgery, knee surgery, pelvis surgery

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