Phrase | Consultant | Town | Special Interests |
BAHA - bone anchored hearing aids | *Consultant(s)* | *Towns* | Paediatric ENT, BAHA - bone anchored hearing aids, difficult airway, ENT aspects of craniofacial surgery, chronic otitis media, specialised surgery in children |
BAHA - bone anchored hearing aids | *Consultant(s)* | *Towns* | Otology, cochlear implants, BAHA - bone anchored hearing aids, middle ear implants |
BAHA - bone anchored hearing aids | *Consultant(s)* | *Towns* | BAHA - bone anchored hearing aids, otology, paediatric ENT, sinus surgery |
bone anchored hearing aids | *Consultant(s)* | *Towns* | Otology, skull base surgery, tinnitus, vertigo, stapedotomy, bone anchored hearing aids |
bone anchored hearing aids - BAHA | *Consultant(s)* | *Towns* | Voice and phonosurgery, otology, communication skills, parotid and salivary gland surgery, bone anchored hearing aids - BAHA, sialendoscopy, transnasal oesophagoscopy |
bone anchored hearing aids - BAHA | *Consultant(s)* | *Towns* | Rhinology including nasal disorders, sinusitis, nose surgery and nasal allergies, otology including hearing loss, tinnitus, vertigo, grommets and tympanoplasty, paediatric ENT including neck lumps, allergy, tongue tie, speech delay, laryngology including voice disorders, dysphonia, head and neck surgery and salivary gland disease, functional endoscopic sinus surgery - FESS, bone anchored hearing aids - BAHA |
congenital hearing loss | *Consultant(s)* | *Towns* | Paediatric audiology, hearing and balance disorders, glue ear, congenital hearing loss, APD - auditory processing disorder |
hearing and balance disorders | *Consultant(s)* | *Towns* | Paediatric audiology, hearing and balance disorders, glue ear, congenital hearing loss, APD - auditory processing disorder |
Hearing loss | *Consultant(s)* | *Towns* | Hearing loss, tinnitus, balance disorders, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo - BPPV, ototoxicity, third window syndromes |
Hearing loss | *Consultant(s)* | *Towns* | Hearing loss, tinnitus, hyperacusis in children |
hearing loss | *Consultant(s)* | *Towns* | Head and neck surgery, functional endoscopic sinus surgery - FESS, head and neck tumours, thyroid surgery, vagal nerve stimulator, snoring, hearing loss, ear blockage, dizziness |
hearing loss | *Consultant(s)* | *Towns* | Paediatric ENT, pinnaplasty, hearing loss, tonsillitis |
Hearing loss | *Consultant(s)* | *Towns* | Hearing loss, vertigo, balance disorders |
hearing loss | *Consultant(s)* | *Towns* | Cochlear implantation, hearing loss, balance problems |
noise induced hearing loss | *Consultant(s)* | *Towns* | Obstructive sleep apnoea, rhinology, thyroid surgery, neck lumps, noise induced hearing loss, rhinology, endoscopic sinus surgery, paediatric ENT |
noise induced hearing loss | *Consultant(s)* | *Towns* | Phonosurgery, effective treatment of common disorders, noise induced hearing loss |
otology including hearing loss | *Consultant(s)* | *Towns* | Rhinology including nasal disorders, sinusitis, nose surgery and nasal allergies, otology including hearing loss, tinnitus, vertigo, grommets and tympanoplasty, paediatric ENT including neck lumps, allergy, tongue tie, speech delay, laryngology including voice disorders, dysphonia, head and neck surgery and salivary gland disease, functional endoscopic sinus surgery - FESS, bone anchored hearing aids - BAHA |