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Special Interests
blue light cystoscopy for bladder cancers
Prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment, bladder cancer, laparoscopic and robotic surgery, kidney cancer, lower urinary tract symptoms - LUTS, targeted prostate biopsy (fusion biopsy) for better detection of prostate cancer, blue light cystoscopy for bladder cancers
microincision refractive cataract surgery with latest injectable implants including blue blocker
Medical retina including novel treatments for diabetic retinopathy and AMD - age-related macular degeneration - Lucentis/Eylea, veinocclusion, photodynamic therapy and retinal laser therapy, microincision refractive cataract surgery with latest injectable implants including blue blocker, toric and multifocal lenses
narrowband imaging and blue light cystoscopy
Prostate cancer, bladder cancer, kidney stone disease, narrowband imaging and blue light cystoscopy, overactive bladder, benign prostatic hyperplasia - BPH
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