Directory Last Updated: 01 January 2025
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
blocked nose
*Towns*Thyroid surgery, thyroid cancer and thyroid nodules, endocrine head and neck surgery, head and neck surgery, neck lumps and throat/mouth tumours, general ENT conditions - recurrent tonsillitis, dysphagia, hoarse voice, blocked nose, hearing loss and Bell's palsy, parotid and salivary gland surgery
blocked nose and sinusitis
*Towns*Otology, rhinology, paediatric ENT, snoring and sleep apnoea, hearing loss, balance disorders, blocked nose and sinusitis, voice disorders
blocked tear ducts
*Towns*Paediatric ophthalmology, retinoblastoma, blocked tear ducts, cyst surgery, squint surgery
blocked tear ducts and watering eyes
*Towns*Oculoplastic surgery, blocked tear ducts and watering eyes, cosmetic/aesthetic eyelid surgery, botulinum toxin and filler, eyelid tumour excision and reconstruction, thyroid eye diseases, orbital surgery, dry eyes and meibomian gland dysfunction, Optilight IPL treatment skin
blocked tear ducts and watery eyes
*Towns*Oculoplastic surgery, blocked tear ducts and watery eyes, orbital surgery, periocular tumour excision and reconstruction, cosmetic surgical and nonsurgical orbitofacial rejuvenation

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