Directory Last Updated: 01 January 2025
Return to Directory Consultants in London within Birth
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
birth marks including laser treatment
*Towns*Eczema, psoriasis, genetic skin disease, birth marks including laser treatment, acute skin rashes and infections, paediatric and adult dermatology
birth trauma
*Towns*Perinatal psychiatry, mother and infant mental health, post-traumatic stress disorder - PTSD, birth trauma, complex trauma, anxiety, depression, bipolar affective disorder
brain and birth injuries
*Towns*Neonatology, brain and birth injuries, neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), premature and small babies, incubation, immunisations (bcg, uk, and overseas immunisation schedules), 6-8 weeks check-up, congenital anomalies, high-risk pregnancies
brain cooling for birth asphyxia
*Towns*Perinatal brain injury, brain cooling for birth asphyxia
caesarean and vaginal birth
*Towns*General obstetrics and gynaecology, minimal access surgery in gynaecology, endometriosis, miscarriage, abnormal bleeding, caesarean and vaginal birth
facial reconstruction from birth defects
*Towns*Adult and paediatric craniofacial surgery, acute and reconstructive craniofacial trauma, skin cancer surgery and complex reconstruction, prominent ear surgery, face and trunk aesthetic surgery, nonsurgical rejuvenation, facial reconstruction from birth defects, skin cancer and trauma, facial palsy
Molecular genetics of birth defects especially Bardet-Biedl Syndrome
*Towns*Molecular genetics of birth defects especially Bardet-Biedl Syndrome
multiple birth
*Towns*Fetal medicine, twins, multiple birth, welfare of fetus, prenatal diagnosis, miscarriage
Prediction and prevention of preterm birth
*Towns*Prediction and prevention of preterm birth, preterm labour, high risk pregnancy
preterm birth
*Towns*Maternal medicine, fetal medicine, preterm birth, fetal growth restriction, fetal surgery, in utero stem cell transplant
preterm birth
*Towns*Neonatal intensive care, preterm birth, health data, newborn research, health policy
preterm birth
*Towns*Perinatal mental health, intrapartum care, diabetes, medical education, preterm birth
preterm birth
*Towns*Diabetes in pregnancy, immunity and infection in pregnancy, preterm birth
Preterm birth
*Towns*Preterm birth
PTSD - post-traumatic stress disorder following birth
*Towns*Psychotherapy, psychological disorders amongst refugee and migrant school children, PTSD - post-traumatic stress disorder following birth
split ear lobes and minor ear problems noted at birth or after injury
*Towns*Cosmetic breast surgery including augmentation, reduction, uplift, fat transfer and asymmetry correction, breast implant capsular contracture procedure, nipple surgery, Labiaplasty, surgery following pregnancy, abdominoplasty, liposuction, thigh lift, arm lift, body lift, skin and scars - removal of lumps and bumps originating from the skin including moles, cysts, fatty lumps, scar revision and general scar management, split ear lobes and minor ear problems noted at birth or after injury

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