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Phrase | Consultant | Town | Special Interests |
pelvic pain | *Consultant(s)* | *Towns* | Menstrual disorders, pelvic pain, minimal access surgery, prolapse, endometriosis, bleeding problems, ovarian cysts, vaginal pain, keyhole surgery, total laparoscopic hysterectomy, family menopause, menopause |
pelvic pain and chlamydial infections | *Consultant(s)* | *Towns* | Integrated sexual healthcare, pelvic pain and chlamydial infections, menopause, perimenopause and PMDD - premenstrual dysphoric disorder, genital herpes |
Pelvic pain and endometriosis | *Consultant(s)* | *Towns* | Pelvic pain and endometriosis, laparoscopic surgery, colposcopy, gynaecological oncology |
postamputation pain | *Consultant(s)* | *Towns* | Neuropathic pain, chronic abdominal pain, postamputation pain, orthopaedic anaesthesia, colorectal surgery anaesthesia |
spinal cord stimulation for chronic pain | *Consultant(s)* | *Towns* | Chronic pain, spinal cord stimulation for chronic pain, facial pain |
spinal pain | *Consultant(s)* | *Towns* | Musculoskeletal ultrasound, GCA - giant cell arteritis, spinal pain |
treatment of acute pain | *Consultant(s)* | *Towns* | Paediatric anaesthesia, treatment of acute pain, paediatric neuroanaesthesia, paediatric ophthalmic anaesthesia |
ultrasound-guided nerve blocks for pain relief after surgery | *Consultant(s)* | *Towns* | Anaesthesia for obesity surgery, ultrasound-guided nerve blocks for pain relief after surgery, anaesthetic assessment |
vaginal pain | *Consultant(s)* | *Towns* | Menstrual disorders, pelvic pain, minimal access surgery, prolapse, endometriosis, bleeding problems, ovarian cysts, vaginal pain, keyhole surgery, total laparoscopic hysterectomy, family menopause, menopause |
wrist pain and instability | *Consultant(s)* | *Towns* | Tendon repair, wrist pain and instability, cosmetic surgery |
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