Directory Last Updated: 20 November 2024
Return to Directory Special Interests word selected:- SAFEGUARDING
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
safeguarding children
*Towns*Community paediatrics, safeguarding children, child development
safeguarding children
*Towns*Neonates, diabetes in children, safeguarding children
safeguarding children
*Towns*Community paediatrics, enuresis and neuropathic bladder, constipation, behavioural paediatrics, ADHD, safeguarding children, neurodisability, complex feeding problems, neurodevelopmental paediatrics, autism, dyspraxia, learning difficulties, developmental delay
safeguarding children
*Towns*General paediatrics, safeguarding children
safeguarding children
*Towns*Neurodevelopmental paediatrics, safeguarding children, autism
safeguarding children
*Towns*Paediatric diabetes, safeguarding children
safeguarding children
*Towns*Child development, epilepsy, safeguarding children, forensic medical examination of child sexual abuse, expert witness service
safeguarding children
*Towns*Community child health, safeguarding children
Safeguarding children
*Towns*Safeguarding children, paediatric palliative care, paediatric ambulatory care
safeguarding children
*Towns*Asthma, safeguarding children, paediatric neurodisability, neonatal medicine
Safeguarding children
*Towns*Safeguarding children, paediatric emergency medicine
safeguarding children
*Towns*Child and family psychiatry, safeguarding children
Safeguarding children
*Towns*Safeguarding children, epilepsy
safeguarding children
*Towns*Community paediatrics, autism, safeguarding children
safeguarding children
*Towns*Neonatal medicine, safeguarding children, paediatric allergy
safeguarding children
*Towns*Burns, safeguarding children
safeguarding children
*Towns*Family assessment, safeguarding children, ADHD
Safeguarding children
*Towns*Safeguarding children
safeguarding children
*Towns*Community paediatrics, child protection, safeguarding children, autism
Safeguarding children
*Towns*Safeguarding children, neonatal medicine
safeguarding children
*Towns*Community paediatrics, safeguarding children
safeguarding children
*Towns*Community child health, safeguarding children
safeguarding children
*Towns*Community paediatrics, safeguarding children
safeguarding children
*Towns*Diabetes and endocrinology, neonatology, safeguarding children
Safeguarding children
*Towns*Safeguarding children, cleft lip and palate, community child health
safeguarding children
*Towns*Neurodisability, neurodevelopment, ADHD, Tourette's syndrome, safeguarding children
safeguarding children
*Towns*Constipation, gastroenterology, safeguarding children
Safeguarding children
*Towns*Safeguarding children
Safeguarding children
*Towns*Safeguarding children, ambulatory paediatrics, emergency paediatrics
safeguarding children
*Towns*Community paediatrics, epilepsy, neurodisability, safeguarding children, adoption and fostering, assessment of looked-after children
safeguarding children
*Towns*Children and domestic violence, safeguarding children, deliberate self-harm, depression, early intervention in psychosis
safeguarding children
*Towns*Paediatric abdominal pain, acute paediatric surgical and medical trauma, safeguarding children
safeguarding children
*Towns*Paediatric gastroenterology, safeguarding children, child protection
safeguarding children
*Towns*Community paediatrics, safeguarding children
safeguarding children
*Towns*General and emergency paediatrics, paediatric rheumatology, safeguarding children
safeguarding children
*Towns*Paediatric diabetes and endocrinology, gastroenterology, adolescent medicine, neurodevelopment, safeguarding children
safeguarding children
*Towns*Acute care, safeguarding children, community paediatrics
safeguarding children
*Towns*Neonatology, neonatal cardiology, safeguarding children
safeguarding children
*Towns*Community child health, safeguarding children
safeguarding children
*Towns*Paediatric gastroenterology, acute general paediatrics, safeguarding children, medical education
Safeguarding children
*Towns*Safeguarding children
Safeguarding children
*Towns*Safeguarding children
safeguarding children
*Towns*Neonatal medicine, safeguarding children
safeguarding children
*Towns*Paediatric anaesthesia, burns anaesthesia, simulation instructor, safeguarding children
Safeguarding children
*Towns*Safeguarding children
safeguarding children
*Towns*Neonatology, safeguarding children
safeguarding children and adults
*Towns*HIV medicine, Tuberculosis - TB/HIV co-infection, safeguarding children and adults
safeguarding children and young adults
*Towns*Traumatic injuries to the primary and permanent dentition, management of the anxious child, medically compromised children, safeguarding children and young adults, prevention of oral diseases
safeguarding children and young adults
*Towns*Paediatric nephrology, child protection, safeguarding children and young adults
Safeguarding older adults
*Towns*Safeguarding older adults, mental capacity, continence in older people
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