Directory Last Updated: 12 March 2025
Return to Directory Special Interests word selected:- NEUROPSYCHIATRY
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
*Towns*Neuropsychiatry, neuroscience, addiction, compulsive behaviour, OCD
*Towns*Substance misuse, neuropsychiatry
*Towns*Epilepsy, functional disorders, neuropsychiatry, syringomyelia and chiari malformations
*Towns*Old age psychiatry, forensic psychiatry, neuropsychiatry, acquired brain injury
*Towns*ADHD, autistic spectrum disorders, somatoform disorders including chronic pain, alcohol and amphetamine use, neuropsychiatry
*Towns*Psychosis, anxiety, mood disorders, substance misuse, marital therapy, neuropsychiatry, EMDR - eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing, treatment resistant depression
neuropsychiatry and epilepsy management in people with learning disability and borderline intelligence
*Towns*Psychiatric problems in people with learning disabilities and borderline intelligence, autism, Asperger's syndrome, neuropsychiatry and epilepsy management in people with learning disability and borderline intelligence
neuropsychiatry brain injury
*Towns*Sleep disorders, somatoform disorders, complex pain, neuropsychiatry brain injury
neuropsychiatry/ECT - electroconvulsive therapy
*Towns*Dementia, transcultural psychiatry, neuropsychiatry/ECT - electroconvulsive therapy, community treatment order
Paediatric neuropsychiatry
*Towns*Paediatric neuropsychiatry, paediatric liaison psychiatry, epilepsy, neurodevelopmental disorders
Paediatric neuropsychiatry
*Towns*Paediatric neuropsychiatry, severe learning difficulties
paediatric neuropsychiatry including epilepsy
*Towns*CAMHS learning disabilities, Tourette's syndrome, paediatric neuropsychiatry including epilepsy, paediatric liaison psychiatry, autistic spectrum disorder
SCAN - schedules in clinical assessment in neuropsychiatry
*Towns*Early intervention, SCAN - schedules in clinical assessment in neuropsychiatry
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