Directory Last Updated: 04 February 2025
Return to Directory Consultants in London within Palliative
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
Palliative Medicine
*Towns*Cancer care, nonmalignant disease, palliative care in renal disease, palliative care in Sub-Saharan Africa
Palliative Medicine
*Towns*End-of-life care to complex patients and their families, cancer care, education
Palliative Medicine
*Towns*Day therapy - rehabilitation/cancer survivorship, management of symptoms in palliative care, medical education
Palliative Medicine
*Towns*End of life care
Palliative Medicine
*Towns*Pain control, symptom management
Palliative Medicine
*Towns*Pain management, equitable access to health care, medical examiner
Palliative Medicine
*Towns*Adult palliative care, pain management
Palliative Medicine
*Towns*Psychosocial care, epidemiology of symptoms
Palliative Medicine
*Towns*Pain medicine, long term conditions
Palliative Medicine
Palliative medicine
*Towns*Palliative medicine, pain management and complex system control, advance care planning, service development and clinical leadership, postgraduate medical education, patient safety and risk management
Palliative Medicine
*Towns*Medical education
Palliative Medicine
*Towns*Symptom control
Palliative Medicine
*Towns*Medical education, chronic pain
Palliative Medicine
*Towns*Cancer care, pain management
Palliative Medicine
*Towns*Palliative care in COPD, symptom control, breathlessness management, neurological palliative care
Palliative Medicine
*Towns*Paediatric palliative care
Palliative Medicine
*Towns*Pain and symptom control, medical education
Palliative Medicine
*Towns*Patients with learning disability who have a serious illness, medical education
Palliative Medicine
*Towns*Symptom control, pain medicine, end of life care
Palliative Medicine
*Towns*Management of pain at the end-of-life
Palliative Medicine
*Towns*Pain control, models of care
Palliative Medicine
*Towns*Adult palliative care, symptom control, pain control
Palliative Medicine
*Towns*Macmillan consultant, symptom management, education in palliative care, community palliative services
Palliative Medicine
*Towns*Neuropathic pain, adolescent palliative care
Palliative Medicine
*Towns*Pain, cancer induced bone pain
Palliative Medicine
*Towns*Pain symptom control
palliative treatments for cancer pain
*Towns*Acute and chronic pain management, neuropathic pain, minimally invasive treatment of problems caused by degenerative spinal, postoperative pain, neuropathic pain, palliative treatments for cancer pain
renal palliative care
*Towns*Glomerular diseases, renal palliative care, haemodialysis
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