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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
haematopoietic stem cell transplant
*Towns*Pathology, haematopoietic stem cell transplant, aplastic anaemia, paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria
heart and lung transplant infection
*Towns*Transplant medicine, tuberculosis control, molecular microbiology, epidemiology, heart and lung transplant infection, mechanical circulatory support infection prevention, diagnosis and management, infective endocarditis, prevention, diagnosis and treatment
Heart and lung transplant surgery
*Towns*Heart and lung transplant surgery, congenital heart surgery, adult cardiothoracic surgery, thoracic aortic aneurysm
Kidney transplant
*Towns*Kidney transplant, urology oncology
liver transplant
*Towns*Liver surgery, liver transplant, pancreatic surgery, laparoscopic surgery
Liver transplant anaesthesia
*Towns*Vascular access, Liver transplant anaesthesia
liver transplant and chronic liver diseases
*Towns*Inflammatory bowel disease, liver transplant and chronic liver diseases, colo-rectal cancer, colonic polyps
renal transplant pathology
*Towns*Renal pathology, renal transplant pathology, medical renal biopsy
Transplant medicine
*Towns*Transplant medicine, tuberculosis control, molecular microbiology, epidemiology, heart and lung transplant infection, mechanical circulatory support infection prevention, diagnosis and management, infective endocarditis, prevention, diagnosis and treatment
transplant medicine
*Towns*End stage kidney disease, general nephrology, hypertension, transplant medicine, glomerulonephritis

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