Directory Last Updated: 28 March 2025

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You can now search quickly and easily for:
- Private Consultants by Name and/or by Town
- Private Consultants in a particular Specialty within a specified Distance (Radius) from a specifed Postcode
- Private Hospitals
Just type at least the first two letters of the Consultants last name and click GO or press ENTER. To refine your search, enter more letters or enter the first few characters of the Consultant's first name.

To restrict the search to Consultants in a specific Specialty, click the Specialty drop down box and select the Specialty you require.

You can use the Town search box to restrict the name search to Towns starting with one or more specific letters. You can also search for all the Consultants in a Specialty in specified Towns (one or more letters).

Each of these searches will lead you to a results table of names that fit your search criteria.  You can then click on the Consultant's name and it will take you to their individual profile page.

NB To preserve your search criteria when returning to the search boxes, click on "Full Directory" or "Main Index" on the results page rather than the browser back button
The Consultant locator enables you to find a Consultant in a selected Specialty within a specified Distance of a postcode. Only the first part of the Postcode need be entered.

To find a Private Hospital by name, enter the first two or more letters of the Hospital name. To find Private Hospitals within Towns, enter at least the first two letters of the Town. Enter more characters to refine your search. You can also find all the Private Hospitals within a specified Distance of a specified Postcode (only the first part is needed).


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