Directory last updated 21 February 2025
Welcome to Issue 13 of the Medico-Legal Magazine, produced by SpecialistInfo and publishing partner Iconic Media Solutions Ltd.
This final issue of 2019 includes articles from Nick Savva and Heath Taylor, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeons, on assessing the risks of developing arthritis after lower limb trauma. Also in this issue, healthcare law expert, Laurence Vick, from Enable Law, discusses medical risk factors in women’s heart medicine that are often overlooked. We are also pleased to include an article by Stephen Hooper, of Eastwoods Solicitors, on the difference between honesty and integrity in cases involving members of the medical profession, and what is expected by the regulators. Finally, Dr Giuseppe Spoto, Consultant Psychiatrist, comments on the calling of the MPS for more doctors to take up expert witness work, and how this could be achieved.
Once again, the magazine will be circulated to up to 40,000 people in the industry, including doctors, insurance companies, law firms and medico-legal agencies. It is published on the Medico-Legal Section of the website, and printed copies can be ordered from Iconic.
Specialistinfo maintains a database of contact details for up to 90,000 UK consultants and GPs, including approximately 11,000 consultants and GPs who undertake medico-legal work. We also provide Medico-Legal courses for expert witnesses and promote the members of the Faculty of Expert Witnesses (the FEW).
We welcome feedback from our readers, so please contact us with any suggestions for areas you would like to see covered in future issues, or share your news and experiences with us.
Lisa Cheyne
Medico-Legal Magazine
t: +44 (0)1423 727 721
Pg4 SpecialistInfo Medico-Legal Courses 2020 Lisa Cheyne
Pg6 Women and Heart Disease – Part 2: Medical Risk Factors By Laurence Vick
Pg10 More Doctors to Serve as Expert Witnesses Says Medical Protection Society (MPS). A Short Commentary By Dr G Spoto FRCPsych MA FAcadMEd
Pg12 Honesty & integrity: the difference between the two and why it matters to the regulators By Stephen Hooper
Pg14 How to Assess the Risk of Arthritis After Trauma By Mr Nick Savva FRCS & Mr Heath Taylor FRCS
Pg19 Medico-Legal News By Lisa Cheyne