Directory last updated 28 March 2025
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You can have access to the online directory by subscribing for 12 months. Here you will find the following information:
SpecialistInfo Medico-Legal is part of the online directory of Consultants and GPs that includes special interests, contact information, and Medico-Legal and clinical trials experience data.
Doctors who have a clinical profile on the directory, and also want to act as expert witnesses, are encouraged to provide their Medico-Legal CV to SpecialistInfo. These can then be viewed by subscribing Medico-Legal Agencies, Solicitors and Insurance Companies who are looking for doctors to instruct as expert witnesses.
Doctors who also regularly attend approved expert witness CPD training, as well as having a CV on their profile, qualify to become Members of the Faculty of Expert Witnesses ('the FEW').
The Faculty of Expert Witnesses promotes the highest quality medical expert witnesses to subscribers. The highest level of the FEW is Fellowship. To qualify for this grade, members can submit an anonymised sample report, which one of our training faculty will check is CPR compliant and of good quality.
FEW membership level is searchable and indicated on doctors' Medico-Legal profiles.
If you would like further information about the Subscriptions, please contact Emma ( or Rachel (